I shrug my shoulders and keep reading.
Trump lies so often I think I'm becoming immune to it. Nothing he says to manipulate or deflect or denigrate--or that which he just says out of ignorance or his racist or egocentric view of the world--brings me the kind of daily outrage that it did before.
You kind of get used to it--like a flickering light bulb, or the incessant barking of the neighbor's dog--and you just kind of ignore it, right?
I mean, Trump continues to peddle lies and hatred and I'm so used to it I just shrug my shoulders?
How terrifying is that? And then I realize that is EXACTLY what this master manipulator wants us to do.
By throwing out so many lies (no, I won't call them untruths or misstatements), Trump believes that the gullible and easily distracted American public won't call him out for it, either because of fatigue (like me) or "it's just what he does" (like virtually every Republican in Congress)"
Hitler is supposed to have said if you tell a lie often enough, it will be believed.
And Trump subscribes to that wholly (i.e., "WITCH HUNT!") . He thinks the American people don't care about the lies he tells. He even says he won't be impeached because he's doing such a good job.
"It's not the truth that matters, but victory."
No, wait, that quote is Hitler's, too.
And I realize that this is scary, folks.
We can't afford to just shrug our shoulders.
Don't let Trump's lies win.
KEEP TRACK OF TRUMP'S LIES HERE at Politifact and at Fact Check.