Hey, Q. Yeah, I'm talking to you.
Most people know nothing about Q.
Q is, as best I can tell, an anonymous entity that provides information designed to make people aware of/prevent the destruction of our civilization, both constitutionally and morally, at the hands of liberal elites. A quest to, literally, save the world.
Q, ostensibly someone or someones with insider information, provides tweets with insights and advice (which some believe really foreshadow political events) that need to be interpreted by his followers, many which post on/tune into message boards such as 4chan and 8chan, now infamous because of ties to manifestos for racist-inspired murders such as in El Paso, and for the comments from the human filth that cheer such acts.
From my research and discussion with some who follow Q, things such as changing gun owner requirements (via "staging" supposed slaughters such as Sandy Hook), illegal immigrants, voter fraud, the Russia investigation, child sex rings, and many others, are threatening what the pure life of a US Patriot should be, and will destroy all that is good about the US of A.
One of Q's past messages pegs Hillary Clinton (yes, that Hillary Clinton) as responsible for the death of John F. "John-John" Kennedy when he piloted a plane carrying himself, his wife, and his sister-in-law tragically into the Atlantic Ocean. Q cites decades-old notes about surface-to-air missiles, and the "fact" that Kennedy supposedly was considering a run to be NY's US Senator. Kennedy's "accidental death" was necessary, it implies, so that the way could be cleared for Hillary's Senator post and her ascension to power.
For reasons I have not been able to discern (and none of the Q messages or messengers have told me explicitly), President Kennedy seems to be some hero in this Q pageant. His son "John-John's" friendship with Donald Trump, it appears, elevated Trump to a hero as well, as someone who would stop at nothing to save our country from immigrants, the loss of freedom, and child sex rings (this twisted conspiracy network STILL peddles the ideas that Democratic Washington "elites" such as Hillary Clinton--yes, that Hillary Clinton--are engaging in pedophilia in a pizzeria).
And Donald Trump is going to be the hero.
Yes, that Donald Trump.
And Trump, along with the band of Q followers, amazingly, are the ONLY ones to see this large-scale corruption and destruction of our country. Q "reveals" info in cryptic tweets and posts, leaving it to his followers to interpret. I'm thinking if he really had something to say, um, maybe he should just come out and say it?
The conspiracy they see is incredibly large-scale. From a logical perspective, it is staggering.
The conspiracy against Trump's fight against corruption involves taking on the FBI, the CIA, military intelligence, local law enforcement officials, some allied countries, some Republicans, many Democrats, Hollywood celebrities, the "mainstream" media, Jews (such as Dem political donor George Soros and, for instance, numerous members of the New York Times), a "Deep State" that is purposely undermining Trump's "good fight" from within Washington and the administration, and, I believe, a one-armed man, and a purple unicorn.
And Trump is the only one to see it?
C'mon, you're kidding me, right?
The scary thing is that non-whack conservatives peddle it, too. Rush Limbaugh, the once-respectable Lou Dobbs, the son of our one-time National Security Director Michael Flynn (well, okay, maybe they are whack, but they're putting this out in the public forum, not under the dark appliances of the Internet, where it barely belongs).
My God. I am all for freedom of speech. I really am. But when someone takes obviously trusting and disillusioned members of the public and twists them into a Nazi-Germany-like frenzy, well, that's just wrong.
Someone BETTER save the US.
It's not Q.
And I'm sure as heck not betting on Trump, either.