Our President threatens to pressure schools and cut their funding if they don't open this fall.
Our Vice-President says the CDC will revise school opening guidelines so they're not "really tough and expensive," as bemoaned by Trump.
Our Education Secretary says options are being considered to withhold money from schools that don't open.
Florida's GOP Governor, the one who boasted when Florida had coronavirus under control says that if Wal-marts and Home Depots can open, so can schools--despite the state's now record-setting cases per day. He also said he wouldn't hesitate to send his kids to school--well, if his kids were actually old enough to attend school.
So, what's next?
That's part of the problem. So many politicians are talking with their economic hearts, not their science-based heads. And, to be honest, I think many of them are hoping it does just "disappear" as cheer-leaded by Trump.
The CDC has provided guidelines--those which Trump tabbed "too tough"--including masks, and social distancing, and staggered starts. To be honest, that will add expense--expense that politicians haven't embraced as they have for individuals or businesses.
But, you know what? It's just a few months, until a vaccine is likely developed. A country now so far in debt can incur a bit more--with masks, and thermometers, and extra busing for staggered starts--to keep its children safe. Can't it?
Speaking as a teacher nearing Covid-vulnerable status, I want to teach. I want to see my students face-to-face. I want to be able to assess them on a daily basis, and tailor their learning to fit their needs. I want to experience their sense of wonder, their joy of learning.
But we have to be safe. Our country (or at least my district, hopefully) has been working on a plan to keep students and staff safe, so the ravages of coronavirus can't take hold in our community. Or in our students. Or their families.
And, White House pressure or criticism of health recommendations be damned, don't put the kids, or their families, or the community--or me--at undue risk.