Wednesday, October 9, 2024

3 undeniable reasons to not vote for Trump

Donald Trump should never again be in a trusted leadership position.

This isn’t about his harmful policies, or his felonies, or his impeachments or his disparagement of immigrants, the disabled, US Vets, POWs, fellow Americans (friend and foe alike).


It’s because Americans simply can’t trust him.

Obviously, anyone with more than 30,000 lies over four years as President--even including "altering" a hurricane's path with a Sharpie, for heaven's sake--shouldn't be trusted, right?

ANY of these would be a good reason
NOT to vote for the untrustworthy Trump
And anyone who was first elected on since-broken promises of "building a wall and having Mexico pay for it," or replacing Obamacare with his better plan, or eliminating a federal debt and deficit which soared, " or vowing to improve infrastructure (the comically continual "Infrastructure Week") shouldn't be trusted, right?

Or a candidate who knowingly spreads lies about immigrants eating dogs or FEMA not helping hurricane victims shouldn't be trusted right?

Of course not, but I've zeroed in on three--just three--undeniable reasons Americans should never trust--and never vote for--Donald Trump.

1)      He purposely lied to Americans to downplay Covid (statistics show Trump’s dismissiveness may have engendered 40% more US deaths).

2)      He continued promoting election lies despite knowing (as did his lawyers, courts, GOP officials--even Ivanka!) such claims were false, in an apparent attempt to bypass the Constitution.

3)      On January 6, the supposed “law and order” president abandoned his presidential duties—doing nothing for 187 minutes while his supporters pummeled police, ransacked the Capitol, chanted to hang our Vice President. Even if one falsely believes January 6 was the fault of Pelosi/FBI/antifa/etc., Trump was the one who did nothing while allies pleaded he stop the rioters—which he finally did by saying he agreed with them and calling those that destroyed property, attacked police, and threatened to kill government officials “very special.”

If you can’t trust a politician to be honest about deadly pandemics, to uphold the Constitution, or to not abandon his presidential duties, how could you ever trust him to lead the country?

You can't.

Vote Harris.