It's only "game over" if the people say it is. |
But it's not.
No, Trump should not be tried for his multitude of acts of corruption and abuse of power (that will now no doubt continue unabated for the foreseeable future), but the "game over" really is most important pertaining to the fate of the country.
If Trump's term (which scarily may extend to eight years) is just a blip, a temporary stain on democracy as was Nixon's, then we'll be okay.
If, however, it's the beginning of a run of Trumpian candidates elected as a result of the red-meat thrown to his base, then we're in trouble.
Institutionally, Trump has attempted to systematically dismantle the media--long known as a watchdog against political corruption (i.e., Woodward and Bernstein). He has purposely and unremittingly cast into doubt the dependability of our own Intelligence Community. He has questioned and criticized the judiciary. His actions and obstruction have stymied reasonable oversight from the co-equal Congress. He has isolated us from allies and sidled up to dictators of brutal regimes to, perhaps, assuage his power or his ego (or both).
Personally, he derogates anyone that disagrees with his opinions (including his own staff). He continually lies to the American public (I think the Washington Post count is near 16,000 so far). He has espoused or implied racist and misogynist views. He has claimed he is "The Chosen One" (supposedly jokingly in the face of those who have claimed it for real).
But I think this country can be turned around. As more comes out about Trump's corruption in office (just today, the DOJ shows that Trump was purposely withholding Congressionally-approved aid in at least June), more of the reasonable public will see he's not the savior. He is, in fact, a vile human being, and a man not worthy of leading the United States of America. Those Senators that so shamelessly backed this aberration will also be called into question (especially my state's own Trump lapdog, Ron Johnson).
And therein lies our country's future--truly cleaning up the horrific mess and chaos caused by Donald J. Trump. And that includes any politician that has so supported him.
For them, I hope--for the sake of the country--that such is the real "game over."