Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Just the Facts, Ma'am

Just the facts, ma’am.
 Joe Friday reminds me a bit of Robert Mueller 

When Dragnet TV detective Joe Friday was gathering info, that’s all he wanted.

And with the daily Trumpian meltdowns (and the cry of “WITCH HUNT!” ringing throughout the Twitterverse) I’m just going to present the facts.

Although it seems I’m metaphorically pounding my head against a wall, it’s incredibly important—vital—not to lose sight of facts when Trump and his followers are already trying to build a case that Mueller’s unseen report is nothing but lies.

But if you just look at the facts, something sure smells, doesn’t it? I can see why Trump is terrified.

Fact 1

Russia tried to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election.

This has been verified by the many agencies of the US Intelligence community. Despite his numerous denials, Russia’s election interference has even (albeit grudgingly) been publicly admitted by Trump (“I never said Russia did not meddle in the election”).

So there’s that.

Fact 2

Despite knowing about the suspected interference by Russia, Trump’s associates either “forgot” or purposely lied about their numerous contacts with Russia or Russian operatives. Several of them were even convicted of crimes for these lies.

That’s how we know these contacts are facts.

Fact 3

Even Donald Trump lied about his contacts or knowing about contacts with Russia or Russian operatives.

During his campaign, he professed he had nothing to do with Russia. It turns out (and he happily admitted when caught) that of course he was negotiating to build a Trump Tower in Moscow during that time, and it was in all the papers (SPOILER ALERT: It wasn’t).

When the news of Don, Jr’s Trump Tower meeting to obtain “dirt” on Clinton came to light, Trump’s people denied he had any knowledge of this meeting. Ever. As it turns out, Trump’s Press Secretary admitted that of course Trump weighed in on the situation as any father would do to write about it after the fact.

So, even the President wasn’t immune to “forgetting” or lying about anything he had to do with Russia. Huh.
Can't you just picture Mueller saying,
 "Just the facts, ma'am?"

Fact 4

Donald Trump told Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s missing emails.  By the next day, according to evidence collected in the Mueller investigation, RUSSIA HAD HACKED THE DNC!

Fact 5

I'm tired of writing all these facts. Although there are more (as well as speculations about the reasons behind Trump’s comments praising Putin, or his unrecorded meeting with Putin, or his change in policies—Syria, no-INF, Iran—that seem to benefit Russia), these four facts—even corroborated by Trump himself!—should be enough to help any rational person figure out that this may not be a nothingburger, after all.

But therein lies the problem. His supporters aren't thinking rationally. Those in power choose to follow Trump because he’s following their agenda. Those poor working-class supporters choose to follow him because they somehow don’t believe facts—indisputable ones even corroborated by Trump—and think facts can never be facts unless they are complimentary of Donald Trump.

It’s sad and, actually, terrifying.

But when you look at just the facts, ma’am, I think there’s a pretty strong case (at least one worth looking into).

Maybe Joe Friday can come and clear this all up.

Well, or Robert Mueller.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Racism Thy Name is Fox News Followers

If you ever want a very disturbing trip into the underbelly of racism and division in the US, no need to travel to a Nazi parade or a KKK rally, just read through the comments from followers on the Fox News website.
Fox News doesn't seem the logical choice for "Fighting Hate" 

Vile "jokes" about non-Christian religions, imploring of non-whites to leave "our country (no one wants them here anyway)," personal attacks against people's looks and perceived IQs are rampant throughout the Fox News comments sections. It's mind-numbing to realize that Fox News is Donald Trump's favorite network.

I'm not advocating censorship of the racist, sexist, xenophobic, misogynistic comments found there--because free speech covers even racists and idiots and otherwise hateful individuals. Instead, I'm inviting people to just see what kinds of things Donald Trump's backers believe. I mean, really believe down to their core.

It's surrealistic. It's fascinating. It's terrifying.

And the commenters think their comments are not vile in any way. From what I gather, they seem to think that this is what "real Americans" think. I know that there can be very nasty comments on CNN-like sites, as well, but they are most often directed towards a political party or conservative ideology. Although including hatred, they are rarely steeped in hatred for people of religions and races, or demeaning to women or professions such as teaching. And there have been times I've replied to a comment saying it was hateful where my comment never shows up. I guess Fox News must not want to spoil their followers' own little, racist, Trumpian Fantasyworld.

So, when you hear people that support Trump and the GOP say it's the Democrats sowing hatred and division in this country, invite them to take a walk into the abyss of Fox News comments sections, they'll really see which side is doing it.

Sadly, I don't really think they'll be surprised.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sure, I Believe Trump...

Of course I believe Donald Trump's latest denials regarding the Mueller case. Why wouldn't I?

Manafort's sharing with Russia?
"Did you know Paul Manafort was sharing polling data from your campaign with the Russians?" "No. I didn’t know anything about that."

Stormy Daniels hush money?
"Did you know anything about the payment to Stormy Daniels?"
...despite already having signed a detailed letter admitting that there was no affair. Prior to its violation by Ms. Clifford and her attorney, this was a private agreement. Money from the campaign, or campaign contributions, played no roll in this transaction.
Business dealings in Russia during the campaign?
 I can tell you, speaking for myself, I own nothing in Russia. I have no loans in Russia. I don't have any deals in Russia.”
Oh, I get it! I am a very good developer, happily living my life, when I see our Country going in the wrong direction (to put it mildly). Against all odds, I decide to run for President & continue to run my business-very legal & very cool, talked about it on the campaign trail...
"Very legal & very cool."  I'm sure Trump has nothing to worry about...

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Still No Chaos, America?

Well, Donald Trump has been President for almost two whole years. But, don't worry, according to Trump, everything's fine, and there is no chaos in DC. At least that's what he's said previously. Let's take a new look, shall we?

Economically, many businesses are struggling because of his seemingly random tariffs on US trading partners. Those companies that do make money are often putting their profits into stock buybacks to inflate their company's worth and reward their stockholders--not plowing their money back into their businesses or into rewarding their workers. Many workers have not seen decreased taxes or raised wages. Retirement savings of Americans have drastically reversed through rash economic policies enacted by the White House. The deficit, meanwhile, has ballooned to nearly $22 trillion.

The US Government is currently in partial shutdown. Trump's Cabinet staff members come and go as though the White House is hosting an Open House mixer. Advisors to Trump are often not the(somewhat)  trained people originally chosen for that role (many dogged by their own ethics investigations), but instead are more often conservative media talking heads and vociferous fringe elements from the populace and the GOP. Trump has continually villainized law enforcement, legislators,  and the judiciary of the country.

And you'd have to think that's reduced our country's standing in the world. Trump's been tagged as publicly making more than 7500 lies/exaggerations/misstatements in just his first 700 days in office--far less than half the country believes his whoppers anymore (from the Washington Post). Allies privately discuss the instability of the US now, instead of that of Russia. Trump's Defense Secretary Mattis resigned because he has no faith in the leadership or values of the President of the United States (let that sink in for a moment).

And, unbelievably, new lies from Trump and his associates come out virtually every week regarding covered-up connections with Russia and Russian businesses. Even more unbelievably, Trump's moves, such as withdrawing US troops from Syria, seem to benefit Russia, as well.

To me, that's chaos. Wouldn't you agree?

To Trump, though, I guess it's just another day at the office.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wisconsin's (GOP) shame


 Wisconsin's GOP legislature just voted to scale back the incoming Democratic Governor's power, reduce early voting, possibly diminish open records, and provide GOP-legislative oversight for what had been Governor-led agencies. Despite the fact the GOP received many fewer votes than the Dems in the midterm elections, and that all state-wide offices were flipped from Rep to Dem. Even despite the fact the severely (and court-challenged) gerrymandering of legislative districts and voting limitations already put in place by the WI GOP tied the hands of the Dems.
Wisconsin's GOP has left a stain on this building.

And the WI GOP did it at 4 AM in an all-night, lame-duck, so-named "extraordinary session" so their GOP could keep their control over Wisconsin before their fuhrer, Scott Walker leaves office.

What really makes this extraordinary (which is what an extra session is really called), is they did it knowing the state had voted for Tony Evers. They hadn't suggested the changes before Evers was elected. If it was such an egregious situation, their GOP-controlled legislature surely would have done it before the election, right?

And now it goes to Walker's desk. Walker famously once promised to sign legislation that prohibited the Legislature from voting after 10 PM or before 9 AM.

"I have two teenagers and I tell them that nothing good happens after midnight. That's even more true in politics," he said in a statement. "The people of Wisconsin deserve to know what their elected leaders are voting on." 
And he's gonna sign it.
It's just another morally-bankrupt and ethically corrupt action, and well, it's just plain wrong, on the part of the state GOP. 
And it's shameful.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

What's that smell? Oh, WI's GOP

Something stinks in Madison. And I'm pretty sure I know which side of the aisle it's coming from.

It's not enough that Wisconsin's GOP so severely gerrymandered districts that the matter came before the Supreme Court.
From 2011, by the brilliant Phil Hands (WI State Journal)

It's not enough that the state GOP's restrictive voter ID laws likely suppress the voting of those that are elderly, minorities, or students--those that likely vote Democratic--so much so that a one-time member even bragged to local media that the laws would make it harder for Democrats to win.

In recent days, the Wisconsin GOP has even blatantly threatened to limit the powers of the duly-elected-by-the-people-of Wisconsin governor, Tony Evers (despite the GOP voter suppression techniques). The disingenuous and insulting statement from Assembly speaker Robin Vos (retrieved today from jsonline, Nov. 8, 2018): "If there are areas where we could look and say, 'Geez — have we made mistakes where we granted too much power to the executive,' I'd be open to taking a look to say what can we do to change that to try to re-balance it," Vos told reporters.

Yet another sleazy, underhanded policy move by Wisconsin's GOP.

And it doesn't end there. In an effort to uphold their ever-slipping death grip upon state politics, Walker and his pals are discussing moving the 2020 Wisconsin presidential primary --at likely a cost of millions of dollars--away from the date of the Wisconsin Supreme Court vote because the GOP anticipates more Dems will show up on the primary voting day, lessening their chance of keeping their conservative pick in this supposedly non-partisan post.

So, what's left for the Wisconsin GOP to do to continue to try to ensure their continued domination?

If there is something, don't worry, Wisconsin's GOP will give it a shot.

And, wow, that stinks.

Doesn't it?