Saturday, December 22, 2018

Still No Chaos, America?

Well, Donald Trump has been President for almost two whole years. But, don't worry, according to Trump, everything's fine, and there is no chaos in DC. At least that's what he's said previously. Let's take a new look, shall we?

Economically, many businesses are struggling because of his seemingly random tariffs on US trading partners. Those companies that do make money are often putting their profits into stock buybacks to inflate their company's worth and reward their stockholders--not plowing their money back into their businesses or into rewarding their workers. Many workers have not seen decreased taxes or raised wages. Retirement savings of Americans have drastically reversed through rash economic policies enacted by the White House. The deficit, meanwhile, has ballooned to nearly $22 trillion.

The US Government is currently in partial shutdown. Trump's Cabinet staff members come and go as though the White House is hosting an Open House mixer. Advisors to Trump are often not the(somewhat)  trained people originally chosen for that role (many dogged by their own ethics investigations), but instead are more often conservative media talking heads and vociferous fringe elements from the populace and the GOP. Trump has continually villainized law enforcement, legislators,  and the judiciary of the country.

And you'd have to think that's reduced our country's standing in the world. Trump's been tagged as publicly making more than 7500 lies/exaggerations/misstatements in just his first 700 days in office--far less than half the country believes his whoppers anymore (from the Washington Post). Allies privately discuss the instability of the US now, instead of that of Russia. Trump's Defense Secretary Mattis resigned because he has no faith in the leadership or values of the President of the United States (let that sink in for a moment).

And, unbelievably, new lies from Trump and his associates come out virtually every week regarding covered-up connections with Russia and Russian businesses. Even more unbelievably, Trump's moves, such as withdrawing US troops from Syria, seem to benefit Russia, as well.

To me, that's chaos. Wouldn't you agree?

To Trump, though, I guess it's just another day at the office.

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