Saturday, February 24, 2018

Armed Teachers are NOT the Answer

"A teacher would have shot the hell out of him."

Thus sayeth the man playing the role of President, who now is advocating for educators to take on armed gunmen.

The idea is so wrong, I hardly know where to begin.

From this long-time teacher's view, his suggestion--and his flippancy-- are abhorrent. His idea is also filled with rampant twisted logic and inhumanity--which apparently pleases his NRA-rabid base and its pals. Shame on them all.

First off, the answer is LESS guns, not more. More thorough background checks and less accessibility to "weapons of war" would surely stop at least some of this horrific carnage. That is so incredibly basic and do-able, most polled Americans agree these are measures that should be taken.

One of Trump's/NRA's fallacies (in addition to the garbage about Democrats taking away the second amendment) is that simply having armed security would deter a gunman.

No. It didn't.

Regardless of the security guard's subsequent actions in Broward County, the shooter was very aware that Stoneman Douglas High School had an armed security presence. He obviously wasn't deterred.

Another fallacy: Trump assumes 10-20% of the teaching staff would gladly take on the additional burden of determining life and death by agreeing (maybe "give them a bonus") to carry a firearm during the day.

No. We wouldn't.

Teachers gladly take on the privilege of inspiring, nurturing, encouraging and challenging the children entrusted to them each day. Teachers are charged with daily assessment and individually-matched teaching, which support a student's social, cognitive, and personal-growth needs. Now Trump/NRA wants them to pack heat, too? A quick survey of my elementary school staff found that NOT ONE would want to carry a gun, too.

"A teacher would have shot the hell out of him."

No. She/he wouldn't.

This particular gunman wore a vest and carried a semi-automatic weapon. The belief that a pistol-packing teacher would have prevented this is not just misguided, it's ludicrous.

And realistically, teachers are often in our profession because we're compassionate. Personally, even if I was carrying a gun, it would have been virtually impossible for me to pull the trigger on a former student.

Most teachers love their kids.  Imagine a parent having to make the same decision--do I try to talk my son into disarming and getting help/having a chance in life, or do I shoot him dead where he stands?

So, what now?

Instead of money for more guns, and teacher gun training, and armed security guards, invest more money in counselors. Or hire and train more educators to provide even more eyes and suggestions and chances to help a kid before he moves to such a heinous act (and gets tabbed by the President as a "sicko").

More guns are not the answer.

Compassion is.

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