Saturday, May 5, 2018

When is a Republican not a Republican?

Wisconsin's sole GOP wunderkind (now that Reince Priebus and Paul Ryan have been put out to pasture) is Governor Scott Walker. Although his star does not shine nearly as bright as it did seven years ago when he led the surprise attack on public workers by stripping their negotiated benefits and eviscerating their unions by engineering legislation known as Act 10, Walker's little light still flickers as he attempts to garner re-election in the face of the GOP/Trump fiasco.

Obviously, he's figured out that the best way to do so is to embrace more humanitarian measures--ones actually proposed or backed by Wisconsin Democrats.

That doesn't mean he believes in them, it only means he believes that doing so will get him his coveted re-election.

In doing so, he's proposed such humanitarian things as putting money back into Wisconsin education (albeit after record-setting cuts through his tenure and dilution of public money now going to private schools), and addressing (finally) severe problems at juvenile detention facilities around the state (after originally creating more problems by consolidating them in an earlier budget).

Oh, yeah, he's also introduced what economists have called "a mystifying piece of tax policy that has no clear long-term economic purpose." As the Washington Post recounts, many merely call it an election year bribe. Which is not to be confused with the bribe of gutting Wisconsin environmental considerations to get potentially thousands of jobs with Foxconn.

And, perhaps most damning of all, Walker has gone from disdain for Trump to acceptance and now love for the ethically-challenged and morally-corrupt President of the United States. And why not? Trump has helped champion some of the non-humanitarian policies that Walker truly embraces (think NRA, anti-immigration, anti-union, anti-public education, anti-environment, over-the-top-pro-business, etc).

So a vote for Walker is a vote for humanitarian causes. 

Well, until he gets re-elected and starts governing again like he really believes.

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