Saturday, July 14, 2018

This is YUGE!

Donald Trump has a penchant for describing anything having to do with his administration as "YUGE!"

Finally, Trump can finally tout something as actually "YUGE!"--Mueller's indictments of twelve Russian intelligence operatives is just that.

The Mueller probe has definitively gone from "witch hunt" to an actual revelation of crimes against this country. Mueller's investigation had confirmed earlier intelligence regarding massive misinformation campaigns, and now has come across enough evidence to identify actors of the Russian government working to attack our democracy.

Now, without speaking of conspiracy or changing of votes or anything, Mueller has apparently documented what can rightly be called an attack on the United States.

GOP members of Congress will continue to sow discord defaming and touting the bias of the DOJ and FBI, but, really, neither has anything to do with this news. The only "Deep State" that can be blamed for this is the Russian government.

And then there's Trump. I wonder how he'll treat the news?


He decries Mexican immigrants as threats to our country (he's used the word "infest").

He calls out Canada--CANADA!-- as a threat to our national security so he can impose tariffs.

He travels to North Korea to supposedly save the US.

He shuts down travel from Muslim-majority countries because he wants to thwart what he thinks would be any potential attacks.

But yet, a proven cyber-attack on our country, on our democracy--PROVEN!--and there's no reaction. Not really. He blames Obama. He says he believes Putin. And he holds on to his belief (desperate hope, maybe?) that any talk of Russian meddling is a Democrat plot to undermine the legitimacy of his election.

THAT is the most damning of all. The US President doesn't confront or attack or even scold a hostile government that has been repeatedly proven to be attacking the country he represents, whose Constitution he has sworn to uphold.

And I'm not sure why. But I have a few ideas. And I think, in the next few months, we'll see which is the real reason.

And that, my friends, is definitely going to be "YUGE!!!"

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