Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Into the Abyss...

Results of the midterms--in which there came no "blue wave"--are not merely disappointing. The results are not merely sad.

The results are terrifying.

With the success Republicans had nationally--especially those candidates that tied themselves closely to Trump-- they show that my fellow countrymen care more about fear than hope. They care more about selfish interests than compassion. They care more about a few extra dollars in their 401K than they care about honesty and decency.

The results embolden racists and misogynists and media-haters. They promote policies to continue destroying the environment and dismantling public education. These results ensure the continuation of the, yes, deplorable factor--including those evil trolls, including Republican officials and a President that still peddle (and believe) absurd and offensive conspiracy theories ranging from millions of illegal voters to Obama not being born in the US to Russia not interfering in the election to Democrats involved in massive pedophilia rings to the "red flags" of supposed Democrats setting up pipe bomb deliveries or the shooting in a Pittsburgh synagogue.

These results show our country's horribly dark side. We are travelling into an abyss.
Hopefully, we can come back up and out after the vileness of Donald Trump has run its course.

And if we don't, as a country, end up emerging from this terrible abyss, it will not be merely terrifying.

It will mean that the nightmare for our country--and for humanity--is just beginning.

May God have mercy on us.

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