Tuesday, June 2, 2020

While a Nation Weeps

On the horrible coattails of a pandemic that has killed more than 100,000 of our fellow Americans, now comes the reaction of a horrified and devastated nation as a white policeman appears to murder a black Minneapolis man.

And our President hides: in a bunker, in his deflecting Tweets, in quizzically holding a Bible aloft at a press briefing in which he suggests violence as the only way to soothe the nation's wounds.

He orders troops to fire upon our fellow citizens--our fellow Americans--peacefully exercising their Constitutional rights in broad daylight--to clear a path for his photo op and his "law and order" threats. That's so important, I will say it again, louder this time: THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES ORDERED TROOPS TO FIRE UPON AMERICANS PEACEABLY EXERCISING THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.

And, again, instead of calming and rallying and providing comfort and hope, our President invokes violence, division and hatred.  And please don't ignore that he's done so, yet again, against segments of society that are predominantly African-American ("Get those (kneeling) sons of bitches out of  (the NFL)" or his beloved birtherism).

And Trump doesn't care. Well, he doesn't care for anything beyond his popularity with his, yes, deplorable base and his chances for reelection. And many of his GOP cohort seem to have little concern either. People die, and Trump and his GOP just view it as another day at the office.

While a nation weeps.

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