Tuesday, November 3, 2020

My God, THIS Really IS America

My country has voted for a vile and evil man. My country has voted for a man that pushes conspiracy theories and bullies anyone that doesn't metaphorically worship the ground he walks on. My country voted for a man that PURPOSELY lied and deceived the country about the transmission and severity of a deadly virus (230,000 fellow Americans and counting). My country voted for a man who has told the American public more than 22,000 lies in four years.  My country voted for a man that encourages militia groups and voter intimidators. My country voted for a man whose party wasn't saying we need to unite the country, but rather that said his party needs to squash the other.  

I could excuse it four years ago, because people didn't know really who Trump was. Many hoped he would grow into the role of President. 

But he didn't. 

And now, they know who Trump really is. He is vile and evil.

So there's no excuse for it. None. 

And sadly--terrifyingly--my fellow Americans think this is the man they should have voted for.

This is my country. And THIS is what they think our country is?

Oh, my God.

Heaven help us all.

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