Thursday, November 23, 2023

Giving Thanks


We give thanks for this wonderful country, even with its numerous flaws.

We give thanks for those that seek, speak, and believe the truth.

We give thanks for those who strive to help humankind, both here and throughout the world.

We give thanks for our democracy, that has withstood threats throughout its history to become a hope for Americans and a beacon to the world.

We give thanks for the wonderful spectrum of fellow citizens that provide new ideas, fresh energy, and a reminder that our nation has welcomed those who others once termed “the wretched refuse”--just as when my own immigrant ancestors, or those freed from enslavement, or those whose land was taken from their people, battled for their rights (and still do) for their homes and for their families, helping to make this a stronger, better nation.

We give thanks for the kindnesses shown every day, from inclusion of others with differing viewpoints and lifestyles to those exhibiting civility every day in their words and actions.

We give thanks for our self-determination to choose freely the path of compassion and cooperation over that of selfishness and division.

We give thanks for this remarkable, fragile planet, and for those who work tirelessly to protect and honor it.

And we give thanks for the undying belief that we can continue to make this nation, this world, a better place.

Thank you.

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