Saturday, August 17, 2024

Trump: Disgusting "disser"-in-chief

Chalk up another disgusting comment by the "disser"-in-chief, Donald Trump.

The self-proclaimed champion of US Vets and the Armed Forces has insulted the most deserving and decorated of Americans by calling the (civilian) Presidential Medal of Freedom "actually much better" than the Congressional Medal of Honor, given to recipients for distinguishing themselves "conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of (their lives) above and beyond the call of duty." Trump made the offensive comment to cozy-up to a megadonor upon whom he had bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom when he was in office. 

PFC Milton L. Olive, III,
a true American hero

Those such awardees, obviously in Trump's eyes, surpass risking their lives "above and beyond the call of duty," and his own disgusting morals are revealed in those he has recognized: inflammatory/defamatory political commentator Rush Limbaugh, divisive US Rep. Jim Jordan, and the man who is currently running Trump's Truth Social media platform into the ground, former US Rep. Devin Nunes.

But here's a pair of those brave soldiers whose actions and awards Trump considers inferior to the accomplishments of Limbaugh and Jordan and Nunes: US Army Private First Class Milton L. Olive, III (the first African American to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor) who, during the Vietnam War (at age 18), covered a grenade, giving his own life to protect his fellow soldiers; and Trump-given recipient, Delta Force Sgt. Thomas Payne, who continued reentering a burning, collapsing building under enemy fire to rescue dozens of hostages being held by the Islamic State.

Again, in Trump's view, the valor of Limbaugh, who spread political conspiracy theories and called women "femi-nazis," or the heroism of Rep. Jim Jordan refusing to comply with a subpoena from the January 6 Committee (or, for that matter, even remembering if or when or how much he spoke to Donald Trump on January 6), or the bravery shown by Devin Nunes with his earlier and current promotion of lies that work towards benefitting Trump, outshines that of all the Medal of Honor recipients. 

When you add this latest disrespect to Trump's resume, it certainly paints a deservedly unflattering picture. Trump's one-time Chief of Staff General John Kelly confirmed Trump wouldn't visit US soldier graves in France because he said the fallen were "losers." Trump also said POWs weren't heroes because they had been captured. He's suggested the execution of the country's top general. When running for President in 2016, he claimed to know more than all the generals. Trump (even to this day) shamelessly claims credit for the VA Choice Act to help US Veterans, despite it having been passed under Obama.

And Trump's current lap/attack dog, VP pick JD Vance continues to disparage the 24 years of National Guard service by Harris VP pick Tim Walz.

It's all a pattern of behavior and beliefs of Donald J. Trump that shows disrespect for those in the US Armed Forces.

And it's disgusting.

And, by extension, so is he.

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