Monday, September 2, 2024

Trump: Um, HARRIS treated Pence badly?

"The way she treated Mike Pence was horrible," Trump said of Kamala Harris last night in a Fox News interview.

Mike Pence took on Harris
(and a pesky fly) in the 2020 VP debate
Wow. That's serious. Horrible, huh?

Did she make up a derogatory nickname for him? Did she make up lies about things he did? Did she purposely distort his positions on issues? Did she derogate his patriotism or his race or his "manhood"? Did she insult his family members? 

What on Earth did Harris do?!

Um, Trump was talking about Harris admonishing Pence (during their 2020 Vice Presidential debate) for interrupting her: "Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking."

Yikes. That's brutal. But there had to be something else, right?

Perhaps she pressured Pence to overturn an election, or maybe placed an angry January 6 phone call to berate Pence, calling him a "wimp" and a "pus**." 

That would be horrible.

Or maybe she falsely claimed to rabid and violence-prone supporters that Pence could disregard the Constitution to keep the president in office? Maybe with the phrase, "I hope Mike Pence comes through for us." 

Imagine if someone had treated Pence like that. Or maybe Harris made it even more horrible?

Possibly she fired-up an already extremist and fanatical mob with a speech challenging them to "fight like hell," telling them "If Mike Pence does the right thing...we become president." 

And then maybe Harris implored that mob--who had weapons and violent intent--to march to the US Capitol, where Pence was performing his Constitutionally-mandated duty of certifying the 2020 presidential vote. 

Absolutely horrible. Shame on her.

And, for good measure, as the mob was storming the Capitol, pummeling police officers, breaking windows, and occupying the Senate Chambers, maybe Harris tweeted about the foiled plot to overturn the election, "Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution." 

Which, of course, would have prompted these insurrectionists to chant something like, "Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!"

Wow. Of course, that would be horrible. Shame on Harris if she did these things to Mike Pence.

Imagine how horrible things might have been...
And in the face of rioters threatening to murder the US Vice President, imagine how horrible it would be to not call Pence to check on him or the nation's business--not even one time--as he sheltered in a basement garage to escape the violent mob that had been set upon him, but, instead, maybe Harris continued placing calls to legislators to lobby them to not certify the accurate election totals. 


Perhaps during it all, while Pence, still sheltering from the mob and coordinating the response to the riot, Harris released a video message saying to those who were just chanting to murder Vice President Pence, "We love you, you're very special." 

And then, for good measure, maybe Harris announced that, if elected President, she would pardon the same vile and violent people that had just threatened to kill the vice president. 


If Harris did all that to Mike Pence, that certainly would be horrible. 

But, thankfully, she didn't.

She only reminded him to not interrupt.

So, really, Pence could have been treated a whole lot worse.

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