Showing posts with label Black Lives Matter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Lives Matter. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

WI's Ron Johnson and "his" people

"Unity" has been tabbed the new watchword for Milwaukee's RNC convention.
Wisconsin's own US Senator, Ron Johnson, took the podium yesterday to address the GOP (aka: the new "unity party," apparently) with his personal take on unity:

"Today’s Democrat agenda. Their policies are a clear and present danger to America, our institutions, our values, and our people."
WI's Sen. Ron Johnson is a bit confused
about the meaning of the word "unity"

So, not only does Johnson essentially call Democrats a "clear and present danger," he very clearly pits the sides against one another in "us" vs. "them" camps (highlighted by my italics, above). He states that a Democrat's values and institutions are different from, and dangerous to, HIS values and HIS people.

Johnson claims the wrong speech had been loaded into the teleprompter--his rewritten speech had supposedly omitted the line about "clear and present danger" as well as the "us" and "them" descriptors of his fellow citizens and constituents. But, the fact is, this divisive speech is the one he intended to give before Trump was shot. And, um, actually, he did give it, after all (just maybe Johnson wasn't aware enough or bright enough to realize the word unity was nowhere to be found in the words he was saying?).

But the idea of his people is nothing new for Johnson. At a 2020 Janesville, WI, presidential rally, a hot mic picked up Johnson telling Trump, "You know who doesn't love this country? Joe Biden supporters." 

Trump supporters? 

HIS people.

More than half the country's voters--as well as the majority of his home state constituents--who voted for Biden? 

NOT his people.

And, of course, Johnson claimed he wasn't worried about January 6 rioters as they attacked police, ransacked the US Capitol, or threatened Vice-President Pence because he "knew those were people who loved this country (and) would never do anything to break the law."

Violent Trump supporters?

 HIS people.

Oh, yeah, and then Johnson added, "Now, had the tables been turned...and President Trump won the election and those were tens of thousands of Black Lives Matter...protestors, I might have been a little concerned."

Black Lives Matter protestors? 

NOT his people.

So, it appears that Ron Johnson--and the GOP that backs him and asks him to speak at its convention--have a ways to go before they can meaningfully use the word "unity," huh?