Showing posts with label Huebsch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Huebsch. Show all posts

Sunday, June 12, 2011

More GOP dirty tricks on tap as WI budget looms?

It promises to be a busy week in our state capital.  Perhaps even "extraordinary" (more on that later) as Walker's budget comes to the floor. Walker's right-hand puppet and chief alarmist, Administration Secretary Michael Huebsch (the man behind the collective bargaining bill) told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel last week, "We are anticipating, we are preparing for the height of what we saw in the early part of March. A mass crowd that actually rushed the Capitol." Huebsch continued, "I am preparing for that. I hope we never get to that again."

The protests have been honest reaction to dishonest practice.  And that about which Huebsch espouses would not happen without things such as illegal meetings, legislation passed in the middle of the night, content of bills not shared (with the populace or even with other legislators, for goodness sakes).  The people of Wisconsin are too intelligent, too dedicated, too rooted in the tradition of fairness throughout our state's history not to protest against injustice.

But it sounds like the Republicans may reach into their bag of dirty tricks again, through something called "extraordinary session," in which normal channels of debate and legislative process can be circumvented to rush through legislation. Here's the Friday video blog of State Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Madison) with a great explanation (thanks to Jenny at WEAC's facebook):

So don't worry Mike Huebsch, there will be protests, just as there were several dozen protestors at a Walker business schmooze on Friday, just as dozens of souls camp in Walkerville every night in our capital.  How intense those protests will be, however, I think will pretty much depend on you and your friends, especially if they put in collective bargaining restrictions.

You know, it's possible the protests just may be extraordinary.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Walker takes big hit in Assembly race outcome

Democrats won only one seat in the WI State Assembly, but look whose seat it was. And, boy, is it a big deal.

Democrat Steve Doyle defeated Republican John Lautz in the 94th State Assembly District (Monroe and LaCrosse Counties) by a 54%-46% margin for the seat vacated by Republican Mike Huebsch, who was tabbed by Walker to become his Secretary of Administration.

So why is this such a big deal?

Huebsch is Walker's guy--responsible for the budget and for writing the proposal that eliminated collective bargaining for state employees.   Huebsch's hometown paper, the LaCrosse Tribune calls Huebsch the "man in charge" and occupying "what is widely regarded as the most powerful political seat in Wisconsin after the Governor."  As a matter of fact, the last time we saw an Assembly race in the 94th District, Huebsch was re-elected with almost 60% of the vote.

If the people were really with him and his policies, wouldn't you figure his replacement would be a shoo-in?  Instead, a Democrat got the nod in a larger margin (8%) than Walker's self-implied "mandate" when he beat Barrett in the 2010 Gubernatorial election  (about 5%).  It's not unlike what happened to Walker's replacement for his Milwaukee County Executive post, although that was even more pronounced--Walker's pal Jeff Stone got positively stomped by newcomer Chris Abele 61%-39%.

That means the Republican-connected replacements of the state's two most influential politicians most responsible for recent policies of current Wisconsin government were absolutely spanked.

That is a big deal.

The other Assembly races in Republican-laden districts, the 60th (Washington &Ozaukee Counties) and the 83rd (Waukesha, Walworth & Racine Counties) weren't close, but Dem Rick Aaron in 60 garnered 24% in a district that didn't even bother to run a Democrat in 2010, and James Brownlow gained about 5%  from his Democratic predecessor in the 2010 election. (2010 results here; 2011 results here).

So it looks as though the non-Walker base is out there.  It's alive and breathing, and soon will be coming for some unscrupulous Senators.

And, then, Governor, it's coming for you.