Showing posts with label dictator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dictator. Show all posts

Saturday, April 16, 2011

HORRIFYING assault on democracy--we may be next

I may be an alarmist here, but, really, isn't this alarming?

Michigan's Republican Governor Rick Snyder has enacted and acted upon "an order prohibiting all action by all city boards, commissions, authorities and other entities, except as authorized by the (governor appointed) emergency manager"  because he thought a city wasn't doing well enough financially.  Thus, the roles of duly elected officials in Benton Harbor, Michigan, have been taken over by government officials. (Eclectiblog, Detroit News).  As a result, virtually all contracts, schools, services, etc., can be altered by governmental decree (by gubernatorial whim?).  Where are we, 1980's Baghdad?  1950's USSR?

And it gets worse, according to Rick Ungar at Forbes, Scott Walker is planning to enact the same laws in Wisconsin.  In May.

I'm sadly afraid it won't be too terribly long before Walker makes us erect statues of him on every street corner.

ADDENDUM: I just spoke (8 PM) with a state political reporter who said "for now at least, there's nothing being talked about publicly with respect to this."   For now, at least.

In the comments to his article, Rick Ungar responded to my question about whether this is privatization for privatization's sake or a belief this is for "the common good,":  "I think that legislation such as this is on the avenue to privatization and the removal of pesky regulations that interfere with large business – and those who pursue these policies believe they are effecting law for the common good.  In this instance, I don’t think ignoring the elected will of the people in a local election is for the common good – but I think Gov. Walker would disagree with me."  10:23 AM, 4/17/11 

4/18/11 Walker says it is "absolutely false."