Showing posts with label sarah palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sarah palin. Show all posts

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Some comments on the Sarah Palin "Tea-Party Rally" in Madison

First words out of her mouth, "What up, Madison, Wisconsin?!"

She also incorporated a "WTF?"

The rally was sponsored by the Koch brothers' Americans for Prosperity.

Tea Party supporters were outnumbered (CBS News).

"Thug" was only used once (that I heard).

Palin said union supporters "trash your capitol and vandalize business."

She also stated, "A pension is a promise that must be kept," and that Scott Walker believed that, too--obviously oblivious to Walker's budget that will reevaluate and possibly change the current defined (traditional) benefit plan to defined contribution--in essence, a 401K-like fund that could completely deplete.  (WREA Newsletter)  It appears Walker's budget bill also raises serious questions about the all-too-real possibility of him raiding an existing public worker pension fund, as well (, which, um, would be illegal.

Other than that, it was business as usual--boo Obama, boo unions, yay patriotism, etc.


You betcha.

Find Palin's entire speech on this page