Showing posts with label virtual government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label virtual government. Show all posts

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Education reform from a college drop-out

I'm a teacher.  I actually find it offensive--and scary--to realize the driving force behind education reform in my state is being masterminded by a college drop-out.  As such, I thought I'd present my proposal to reform government, using some of pretty much the same headings the Governor uses in his education plan.

1. Recruit, Retain, and Reward Great Legislators:
Base the wages of legislators on how many bills they personally write and get passed. It makes no difference if the bills are viable or how they'd affect the community, just get them passed.  The higher the percentage, the better the legislator.

Retaining of legislators will be at the sole discretion of the governor.

Do not recruit  legislators by calling those in their profession slobs, lazy, or thugs.

2. More Choices for the Governed: 
Lift the caps on private government and reduce regulatory restrictions.  Allow people to form their own "choice and charter" governmental units. They can make rules and govern their areas free from current laws and regulations.   Or, better yet, we will allow people to govern themselves using their computer monitors and call it "virtual government."

Make good government accessible to everyone by encouraging wealthier constituents (through payments) to leave their public governance area to join a private one.

3. Cross Your Fingers:
Hope like heck it works, even though recent studies show that in things such as school systems, "choice" doesn't always mean better.

Seriously, though, kudos to those Wisconsin legislators who see the wisdom in keeping income restrictions for the state voucher program.  The whole purpose of this program, after all, is to provide more opportunity and hope for those that may not have much of either.

Hopefully, all our legislators someday see the light that this kind of reform, with no input from those familiar with education, is merely change, not reform at all.