Tuesday, July 16, 2024

WI's Ron Johnson and "his" people

"Unity" has been tabbed the new watchword for Milwaukee's RNC convention.
Wisconsin's own US Senator, Ron Johnson, took the podium yesterday to address the GOP (aka: the new "unity party," apparently) with his personal take on unity:

"Today’s Democrat agenda. Their policies are a clear and present danger to America, our institutions, our values, and our people."
WI's Sen. Ron Johnson is a bit confused
about the meaning of the word "unity"

So, not only does Johnson essentially call Democrats a "clear and present danger," he very clearly pits the sides against one another in "us" vs. "them" camps (highlighted by my italics, above). He states that a Democrat's values and institutions are different from, and dangerous to, HIS values and HIS people.

Johnson claims the wrong speech had been loaded into the teleprompter--his rewritten speech had supposedly omitted the line about "clear and present danger" as well as the "us" and "them" descriptors of his fellow citizens and constituents. But, the fact is, this divisive speech is the one he intended to give before Trump was shot. And, um, actually, he did give it, after all (just maybe Johnson wasn't aware enough or bright enough to realize the word unity was nowhere to be found in the words he was saying?).

But the idea of his people is nothing new for Johnson. At a 2020 Janesville, WI, presidential rally, a hot mic picked up Johnson telling Trump, "You know who doesn't love this country? Joe Biden supporters." 

Trump supporters? 

HIS people.

More than half the country's voters--as well as the majority of his home state constituents--who voted for Biden? 

NOT his people.

And, of course, Johnson claimed he wasn't worried about January 6 rioters as they attacked police, ransacked the US Capitol, or threatened Vice-President Pence because he "knew those were people who loved this country (and) would never do anything to break the law."

Violent Trump supporters?

 HIS people.

Oh, yeah, and then Johnson added, "Now, had the tables been turned...and President Trump won the election and those were tens of thousands of Black Lives Matter...protestors, I might have been a little concerned."

Black Lives Matter protestors? 

NOT his people.

So, it appears that Ron Johnson--and the GOP that backs him and asks him to speak at its convention--have a ways to go before they can meaningfully use the word "unity," huh?

Monday, July 15, 2024

Will Trump's shooting change him? I'm guessing, no

Will the assassination attempt be a catalyst for Trump's personal change?

Because of the shooting, Trump has supposedly altered his upcoming convention speech, calling it "a chance to bring the whole country, even the whole world together."  Trump claims, instead of attacking Biden, he will focus on unity.

Call me skeptical. 

Wallace and Trump were both shot while campaigning,
and the similarities don't end there
Trump's had plenty of chances to call for unity before and instead has stoked division--from his "American carnage" inauguration remarks (about which Former President George W. Bush commented, "That was some weird sh*t") to his calls to jail opponents to imploring January 6 supporters to "fight like hell." And, unlike Biden's recent national speech to calm the nation after the attempt on Trump's life, Trump never once addressed the country, for example, about the murder of George Floyd. 

But such change has happened before (albeit far too little, and far too late).

Against the backdrop of the 1960's, in a country of southern whites angry and scared about integration and civil rights, George Wallace ran gubernatorial campaign ads shouting, "Wake up Alabama! Blacks vow to take over!" And, yet, in 1968, Wallace garnered an incredible (and terrifying) 13.5% of the popular vote as a third-party presidential candidate (which translated to 46 electoral votes from southern states).

Note: Trump has tapped into that same disgusting (and unwarranted) white rage (for example, through his numerous instances of calling undocumented migrants rapists/animals/convicts that are poisoning the blood of our country).

Wallace--a loathsome man who once vowed "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever"--was shot while campaigning for the primaries in 1972.

The man behind sending state troopers that mercilessly beat Blacks peacefully marching for voting rights (a dark day that's now known as "Bloody Sunday") supposedly reflected on his horrific words and actions regarding civil rights after becoming paralyzed from the shooting. In fact, the man once reviled by Blacks and whites alike publicly changed his views, becoming Alabama governor yet again (amazingly, with 90% of the African-American vote), appointing scores of African-Americans to governmental posts, working to increase Black voter registration, and with continuing admissions of the repugnance of his earlier views.

So, there's precedent for a vile, populist presidential candidate to search his soul and change his views following an attempt on his life.

Will that happen with Donald Trump in Milwaukee this week with his GOP convention speech? Will it be unifying? Will it be soul-searching? Will it be inspiring?

We'll just have to wait and see.

But I wouldn't bet on it.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Trump shooting exposes disingenuous GOP

Well, that didn't take long.

Mere minutes after the horrible assassination attempt on Donald Trump, Georgia's Republican Representative Mike Collins posted this despicable accusation on X: Joe Biden sent the orders.

To recap: an elected government official just accused the President of the United States of ordering the assassination of a political rival.

Agents surround Trump after his being shot

Fortunately, Trump is relatively okay (full disclosure: I am adamant in the belief that Donald Trump has been destructive to this country, but there is NO excuse for this terrible act; political voices should only be silenced via the ballot box).

Biden had carelessly stated, to be sure, after his debate debacle, that he needed to focus on Trump, to, metaphorically, "put Trump in a bullseye."

But Biden did not order such a despicable act (nor did Biden ever specify to "fight like hell" after telling his supporters to come to a specific time or place because it "will be wild").

Interestingly enough, however, ordering the assassination of a political rival, was EXACTLY what Trump's legal team argued a President would have the right to do under the broad umbrella of presidential immunity.

The GOP has rightly decried this political violence and called for "unity." 

This is the same political party that celebrates the January 6 carnage in which Trump's GOP supporters--whom they now call patriots--stormed the US Capitol, injured Capitol police and chanted to hang Trump's own GOP Vice President.

By the way, not only DIDN'T Trump denounce the violence (in his name) against Capitol police and the ransacking of our country's Capitol (nor did he once call to check on his VP Pence), Trump, instead, told these political thugs he "loved" them and that these perpetrators of grotesque political violence were "very special."

And Trump was the same guy who spread rumors and mocked the vicious, politically-motivated attack on the husband of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (who yesterday tweeted about the Trump shooting: "...political violence of any kind has no place in our society. I thank God that former President Trump is safe"). 

Come to think of it, Trump was the same guy (along with his political party) who defended a "Trump train" of Texas supporters in pick-up trucks who surrounded a Biden campaign bus, ostensibly trying to force it off the road.

So, yeah, you can--and SHOULD--decry political violence and call for unity. 

And you can do that with certainty and with clarity. And without the slightest sense of irony.

Unless you're Trump's GOP.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Oops! Trump gets his wish

Back when the 2020 presidential campaign started, Donald Trump needed a strategy to beat Joe Biden. 

Trump didn't have any real policies. He couldn't speak knowledgably about the issues. His own track record included botching the Covid response, crashing the economy, and disparaging institutions such as the judiciary and the FBI. 

So, Trump defaulted to bully mode: relentlessly attack an opponent with personal insults and baseless allegations. This one was that Biden was feeble--physically and mentally. 

And as he entered 2024, in the wake of impeachments, indictments, convictions, civil judgments, and lying to overturn an election, Trump continued the attacks with the wish that enough people would believe his lies and accusations to swing the election.

Sure, there have been Biden gaffes over the years--although Trump had his share, too. But as Biden bested Trump in the 2020 debate, or was elected President, or even delivered a rousing State of the Union speech earlier this year, Biden's cognitive decline wasn't really a salient issue for anyone outside of Trump's MAGA sphere as they tried to distract voters from their own candidate's court proceeding after court proceeding (they also ceaselessly touted Hunter's "nothing-burger" laptop, or empty impeachments against members of Biden's administration, or non-existent bribes supposedly coming Joe's way). 

Primarily because of Biden's shortcomings being exposed during the debate (and since), it now appears that Biden has slowed. 

Trump has been granted his wish.

As a result, Trump now leads Biden in most polls. The Democrats are sniping and in seeming disarray. And Trump's Republicans are united behind him as he heads into Milwaukee to accept the GOP nomination.

But now that Trump's gotten his wish, is it a case of "be careful what you wish for?"

After all, there remains a real possibility that Biden--a struggling incumbent who Trump had at least a 50/50 chance to defeat--will be replaced.

By someone younger than Trump.

By someone smarter than him.

By someone less controversial than him.

Which could significantly change the calculus regarding the election.

And that wouldn't be good news for Trump.

But it just could be the very thing America has been wishing for. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

Biden goes off the rails

Biden's campaign is in serious trouble.

His poll numbers are dropping, allies are leaving, voters are questioning his cognitive abilities.

And that is readily apparent to anyone.

Unless your name is Biden.

It's time to go, Joe.

And that denial of reality is serious trouble for Democrats--and for this country.

For some reason, Joe (and Jill) seems to think that Biden can turn his candidacy around based on his past accomplishments rather than the reality of the present--or the doubt of a coherent Biden future.

His debate should have sealed his fate. His answers were rambling, mumbling, and, at times, downright incoherent.

If that wasn't the final nail, his "redemption" interview with George Stephanopolous--an interview, again, with his ramblings, a reluctance to answer questions about his mental acuity, and his refusal to submit to cognitive testing--surely was. 

But, inexplicably, it wasn't.

Today, Biden wrote a letter to Democratic legislators telling them he would not step aside.

He denies cratering polling numbers. He dismisses abysmal approval ratings. He defies those allies that suggest that it's time to go.

He clings to the (incredibly misguided) belief that his accomplishments are enough, that the despicable character of his opponent is disqualifying, that HE alone can beat Trump. 

But it's just not reality. It's not. And I'm not sure why he (or his advisors--I'm looking at you, Jill) can't see that.

And, regarding his mental acuity, that incredibly absurd belief and lack of judgment is more than enough to prove that Biden should no longer be running the country.

It's time to go, Joe.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Joe, it's time to bow out

As if Biden's stumbling, fumbling, mumbling debate performance wasn't bad enough to doom his reelection chances, last night's "redemption" interview with ABC's George Stephanopolous should be the end of his presidential campaign.

Biden's interview--just another "bad night?"

This was an interview for which Biden should have been prepared, focused, and convincing. 

But he wasn't.

Instead, Biden rambled. He deflected when asked questions about his cognitive capabilities. He was disingenuous (or clueless) when talking about falling numbers in the polls or the maelstrom in Democratic circles resulting from his alarming debate earlier in the week. And when asked if he had since watched the debate (which he optimistically termed  simply "a bad night"), Biden inexplicably claimed, "I don't think so."

I don't think so? How would he not know if he watched it or not?

But perhaps the biggest drop of all: Biden said he wouldn't take a cognitive exam.

"I have a cognitive test every single day."

No, you don't, Joe.

And this would be THE easiest thing to do to bring your campaign back, putting all the questions and concerns to rest. Just take an evaluative test.

But he won't do it.

Because, I think--and I'm guessing as does every other American think likewise (including Jill Biden)--he isn't sure he would pass one.

And that's sad.

But it happens. And when it gets to that point, even though a person is still capable of doing lots of things, running the world's most powerful country is no longer on that list.

So, it's time to bow out, Joe Biden. Thank you for your decades of public service, your accomplishments as President, your decency as a person.

It's time to move on.

For you, and for the country.

Here's a complete transcript of the interview from ABC News

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Biden's story (and campaign) keeps crumbling

President Biden's team is in crisis/spin mode, scrambling to keep Biden's campaign alive as his poll numbers drop.

And it's not going well.

As you may have seen (or certainly heard about), Biden's debate--arguably the biggest night of his life-- was a disaster. He was wide-eyed, slack-jawed, and couldn't regularly respond to Donald Trump or the moderators with coherent, salient arguments (I wrote about it here).

"Oh, he had a cold," said the Biden campaign.

And then more excuses.

Biden attributed his horrible performance to jet lag from his G7 European trip--from which he had returned TWELVE days prior and then spent almost a week at Camp David.

His White House staff said Biden had just prepped too much.

His wife, Jill, offered that her husband "didn't feel great" for the debate.

And none of it explains anything, really.

Biden's debate performance was pitiable, to be honest--with the US President appearing as a dazed and confused elderly man. It was sad to watch (and scary, too, if one stops to consider that this man is responsible for things like the nuclear codes).

Amazingly, however, he followed his feeble debate performance the next day with a cogent and rousing speech in North Carolina. 

So, what gives?

As former House Speaker (and staunch Biden supporter) Nancy Pelosi wondered regarding Biden's tremendous debate stumble, "I think it's a legitimate question...is it an episode or is this a condition?"

Of course, the White House isn't offering any clarity on that question.

Just yesterday, the White House Press Secretary said Biden hadn't had any medical exams since his last one in February.

Now, word comes out that Biden actually did see a doctor after the debate. 

The White House explained it away by saying it was only a "brief check," not a physical.

But this lack of transparency and the ever-evolving stories coming out point to one thing as Biden's team is in crisis mode: this IS a crisis.

And should it ever come to a split-second decision--maybe regarding a nuclear launch or an insidious cyber-attack on our infrastructure or thwarting an attempted coup--who is making that decision to protect our country, a clear-headed President or the elderly man at the debate who froze like a deer in the headlights?

And if you have to even ask that question, it's clear.

Joe Biden has to step aside.

And no spin can disguise that.