Saturday, July 11, 2020

Reopening the Schools?

Our President threatens to pressure schools and cut their funding if they don't open this fall.

Our Vice-President says the CDC will revise school opening guidelines so they're not "really tough and expensive," as bemoaned by Trump.

Our Education Secretary says options are being considered to withhold money from schools that don't open.

 Florida's GOP Governor, the one who boasted when Florida had coronavirus under control says that if Wal-marts and Home Depots can open, so can schools--despite the state's now record-setting cases per day. He also said he wouldn't hesitate to send his kids to school--well, if his kids were actually old enough to attend school.

So, what's next?

That's part of the problem. So many politicians are talking with their economic hearts, not their science-based heads.  And, to be honest, I think many of them are hoping it does just "disappear" as cheer-leaded by Trump.

The CDC has provided guidelines--those which Trump tabbed "too tough"--including masks, and social distancing, and staggered starts. To be honest, that will add expense--expense that politicians haven't embraced as they have for individuals or businesses.

But, you know what? It's just a few months, until a vaccine is likely developed. A country now so far in debt can incur a bit more--with masks, and thermometers, and extra busing for staggered starts--to keep its children safe. Can't it?

Speaking as a teacher nearing Covid-vulnerable status, I want to teach. I want to see my students face-to-face. I want to be able to assess them on a daily basis, and tailor their learning to fit their needs. I want to experience their sense of wonder, their joy of learning.

But we have to be safe. Our country (or at least my district, hopefully) has been working on a plan to keep students and staff safe, so the ravages of coronavirus can't take hold in our community. Or in our students. Or their families.

And, White House pressure or criticism of health recommendations be damned, don't put the kids, or their families, or the community--or me--at undue risk.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

GOP: Selfish and Arrogant

The Republicans make me sick. And it's not just the GOP leaders, it's the people who follow them, as well.

Full disclosure, I've thought the GOP has been selfish and arrogant for years. At least, the ones in Washington, which seemed to cater to the rich and ignore the rest of us, and which now are above commenting on the rantings of a dangerous president.

But now it's evident in my home town, too. I see, everyday, people who obviously don't care if I, or my neighbors or my family members, live or die.

I'm in a Republican stronghold, and just like the GOP leaders, the people in my community pretty much don't wear masks.

It isn't just a "freedom" thing, or a "rights" thing, both very important and necessary to our democracy. It's a selfish thing.

Health experts and our government say wearing masks PROTECTS OTHER PEOPLE. Like maybe the ten-year-old I know who's had chemotherapy. Or my wife who has an auto-immune disease. Or my 87-year-old mom. And the people who don't wear masks--despite health and government warnings and recommendations--say, really, I'm gonna do what I wanna do, and I don't care if you live or if you die.

"But I'm not sick, so I don't need to wear a mask." is a popular refrain.

That's where the arrogance comes into play. The same health and government experts warn that people can transmit the virus without knowing it--because they may be asymptomatic (kind of a carrier without getting the disease yourself) or pre-symptomatic (you have it, but it hasn't yet reared its ugly head--which sometimes takes two weeks). So, these people think they know more and are better than everyone else.

And it makes me sick.

Right now, only figuratively. But for some (and maybe me in the future) literally, as well.

And they just don't care. Trump plans political rallies without precautions, our Vice-President--the leader of the coronavirus task force--salutes his dozens upon dozens of campaign workers in a tweeted photo that showed no social distancing or face masks.

And, most sad and terrifying of all, my neighbors, people I've known, waved to as they pass my home, families of kids from whom I've bought candy and plants from their fundraisers, don't care if I live or if I die. They just don't want to wear a mask.

And it makes me sick.

And it should (or might) make you sick, too.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

While a Nation Weeps

On the horrible coattails of a pandemic that has killed more than 100,000 of our fellow Americans, now comes the reaction of a horrified and devastated nation as a white policeman appears to murder a black Minneapolis man.

And our President hides: in a bunker, in his deflecting Tweets, in quizzically holding a Bible aloft at a press briefing in which he suggests violence as the only way to soothe the nation's wounds.

He orders troops to fire upon our fellow citizens--our fellow Americans--peacefully exercising their Constitutional rights in broad daylight--to clear a path for his photo op and his "law and order" threats. That's so important, I will say it again, louder this time: THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES ORDERED TROOPS TO FIRE UPON AMERICANS PEACEABLY EXERCISING THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.

And, again, instead of calming and rallying and providing comfort and hope, our President invokes violence, division and hatred.  And please don't ignore that he's done so, yet again, against segments of society that are predominantly African-American ("Get those (kneeling) sons of bitches out of  (the NFL)" or his beloved birtherism).

And Trump doesn't care. Well, he doesn't care for anything beyond his popularity with his, yes, deplorable base and his chances for reelection. And many of his GOP cohort seem to have little concern either. People die, and Trump and his GOP just view it as another day at the office.

While a nation weeps.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

As Bad as it Sounds...

Yeah, it is as bad as it sounds.
McConnell persuaded his GOP Senators to keep their heads in the sand

I continue trying to wrap my head around what the GOP Senate heard in voting to acquit Trump in the impeachment trial:

1.The President of the United States withheld Congress- and Pentagon-approved funds from a desperate ally in its battle against Russian aggression, merely to solicit help for his 2020 campaign by coercing it into opening investigations against the Democratic party and his chief political opponent (specifically told beforehand by federal election commission chair Ellen Weintraub such an act would be illegal). 

2. Numerous US officials and departments expressed concern--alarm, actually--about the funding delay as a matter of defending US national security interests (found to be illegal by the non-partisan GAO).

3. Diplomatic and national security experts found Trump's ask of a favor at least grossly inappropriate, and possibly illegal.

4. The investigations--the Biden matter was never considered for investigation by the once-GOP-led House, and the Ukraine election interference was itself debunked by a Trump administration investigation in 2017--didn't even have to be conducted, just announced enough, it appears, to smear Trump's opponents.

5. Trump and his secret "corruption force" (led by-- intrepid do-gooders?--Rudy Giuliani and Lev Parnas) advocated for continued employment of an internationally-recognized corrupt Ukraine prosecutor while, at the same time, orchestrating a smear campaign to oust the US career diplomat who backed official US policy in the matter instead of Giuliani's wishes.

6. In addition to asking for Ukraine's help in smearing his 2020 opponent, Trump said he'd accept future such help if someone offered it--just as he would in asking China in 2019, and in the 2016 campaign, asking Russia. Establishing a pattern of his disregard for the law and ethics.

These are the facts. There really isn't any dispute. They're facts.

And the GOP Senators said, "This isn't so bad." And the GOP Senators said, "Other people did bad things, too!" And the GOP Senators (except for courageous Mitt Romney) said the facts weren't enough--and they refused to search for any more.

So, I still can't process what the GOP heard.

Because, yeah, it's as bad as it sounds.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Game not over...yet

People in my GOP-laden world are positively giddy at the inevitable outcome of Trump's
It's only "game over" if the people say it is.
impeachment not leading to his removal from office. They claim exoneration (again) despite Senators such as Rubio and Alexander insinuating that the House proved its case.  And they claim (as does a currently-pinned tweet on Trump's account) that it's "game over."

But it's not.

No, Trump should not be tried for his multitude of acts of corruption and abuse of power (that will now no doubt continue unabated for the foreseeable future), but the "game over" really is most important pertaining to the fate of the country.

If Trump's term (which scarily may extend to eight years) is just a blip, a temporary stain on democracy as was Nixon's, then we'll be okay.

If, however, it's the beginning of a run of Trumpian candidates elected as a result of the red-meat thrown to his base, then we're in trouble.

Institutionally, Trump has attempted to systematically dismantle the media--long known as a watchdog against political corruption (i.e., Woodward and Bernstein). He has purposely and unremittingly cast into doubt the dependability of our own Intelligence Community. He has questioned and criticized the judiciary. His actions and obstruction have stymied reasonable oversight from the co-equal Congress. He has isolated us from allies and sidled up to dictators of brutal regimes to, perhaps, assuage his power or his ego (or both).

Personally, he derogates anyone that disagrees with his opinions (including his own staff). He continually lies to the American public (I think the Washington Post count is near 16,000 so far). He has espoused or implied racist and misogynist views. He has claimed he is "The Chosen One" (supposedly jokingly in the face of those who have claimed it for real).

But I think this country can be turned around. As more comes out about Trump's corruption in office (just today, the DOJ shows that Trump was purposely withholding Congressionally-approved aid in at least June), more of the reasonable public will see he's not the savior. He is, in fact, a vile human being, and a man not worthy of leading the United States of America. Those Senators that so shamelessly backed this aberration will also be called into question (especially my state's own Trump lapdog, Ron Johnson).

And therein lies our country's future--truly cleaning up the horrific mess and chaos caused by Donald J. Trump.  And that includes any politician that has so supported him.

For them, I hope--for the sake of the country--that such is the real "game over."

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Trump's impeachment: Couldn't Be Clearer

It's all about Trump
Trump's impeachment comes into clear focus when you look at it through the proper lens: Trump asked a foreign government to do something to benefit himself. Not our country. Not the world. Just himself.

Couldn't be clearer.

Trump's massive ego can't stomach the fact that Hillary Clinton defeated him in the popular vote.

So he asks Ukraine to investigate a debunked (even by Trump's own people and a 2017 GOP committee) conspiracy theory about a hidden (in Ukraine) server that could cast light on fraud that minimizes Clinton's success.

Side note: He also assembled a voter fraud commission that found nothing, and incredibly claimed that people put on disguises to cast multiple votes in the 2018 midterms.

And that is a benefit--not to our country, not to the world--to no one but Donald J. Trump himself. Couldn't be clearer.

In 2020, Trump wants no part of losing his grip on the presidency.

So he asks Ukraine to investigate former VP Joe Biden, his chief political rival  for the 2020 presidential election (leading virtually all the polls at the time).  Trump insinuates that Biden committed crimes in his Ukraine dealings (despite no evidence ever being presented, and despite no investigation from the US House, even when it was GOP-led) to minimize Biden's success.

Side note: Trump claims he's a corruption crusader that doesn't use the word corruption with the Ukrainians and has never broached the subject of corruption with any other government (including China's crackdowns on Hong Kong, or Saudi Arabia's murder and dismemberment of an American journalist, or Putin's or Kim's maltreatment of their own people). 

Oh, yeah, and did I mention that Trump illegally (according to the non-partisan GAO) withheld approved aid to Ukraine during the time he was asking for the "favor" of these investigations?

And that is a benefit--not to our country, not to the world--to no one but Donald J. Trump himself. Couldn't be clearer.

So when Trump claims to be a hoax victim, or a corruption fighter, or a hunted "witch," just remember to look at his actions through the proper lens.

Couldn't be clearer.

Check out an earlier take on Trump's impeachment: The Case for Impeachment

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Deep State? Just plain nuts.....

Donald Trump and his supporters maintain there's a "deep state" (federal workers actively working to sabotage his presidency).  When you see the list of all the entities that Trump thinks are working to undermine his administration, it's incredible. About the only ones that they haven't blamed are Mr. Peanut and the ghost of Martha Washington (btw, Trump should get on his knees and thank any entity that questions or prevents his rash and unconstitutional decisions). It's not just "deep state," it's--how can I put this politely?--nuts, actually. So, um, who exactly is in this conspiracy?

Well, first, obviously, the media, which Trump has now elevated from "fake" to "corrupt." Even polls on once-darling FoxNews are supposedly out to get him (51% support impeachment and removal from office).

Next, there's the CIA...and the FBI..and, um, the National Security Council...and, oh, yeah,  Trump's DOJ.  Trump has publicly accused their members or leaders (with no evidence) with everything from gross incompetence to criminal activity. Even the Homeland Security Chairman Senator Ron Johnson (to the shame of Wisconsinites everywhere) says he STILL doesn't trust them--which is especially interesting because, for most of Trump's term, they've all been headed by Trump appointees.

And, of course, the Democratic Party--the party that he thinks intentionally keeps its server in Ukraine (seriously?) to hide the information that reveals Trump really should have won the popular vote, I guess.  And the party umbrella includes everything from Obama's (again) never-any-evidence "ordered wiretapping" of Trump Tower, to Hillary Clinton's e-mails, to Joe Biden and his son, Hunter (whom Trump has publicly denounced as a "loser.").

The House Democrats play a part, too. Trump has regularly and forcefully called for the "impeachment" of numerous members, including House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for "treason." (side note: House members are not subject to impeachment).

Members of Trump's hand-picked staff are suspected of sabotage, too, so much so that Trump's phone calls with foreign leaders (including those of Russia and Saudi Arabia) are put on a codeword server usually reserved for top-secret information, so no one can ever find out the true content of the calls.

The courts are crooked, too.  Trump has called them, even at his most tepid, broken and unfair.

Don't forget any civil servants--people that swore to uphold the Constitution and pretty much put country above all--that worked for Obama, well, or Bush, or, um, whomever can be blamed for the latest leak, or whomever has perhaps reported irregularities or possible illegalities committed by the President of the United States.

Oh, gosh, yes, there are also trusted allied countries that work against him, and it appears that intrepid do-gooder Rudy Giuliani has even uncovered sabotage from--yes--Ukraine.

These don't even include the Never-Trumpers or GOP members that speak out against Trump's words or actions (like John McCain or Mitt Romney), or the 20+ women that have accused him of assault or harassment.


And doesn't that sound nuts to you?