Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The Case For Impeachment (Round 2)

Trump faces a second impeachment. Although the first one should have been enough to out this horrifically corrupt man masquerading as our President (I wrote about it here), this time there should be no doubt from either side of the aisle.

The sole article of impeachment regards inciting an insurrection. Think about that for a moment--the President of the United States is charged with exhorting his followers to overthrow our government.

The key here is proving intent. Fortunately for the impeachment case, Trump's words and actions have been unwaveringly clear in his attempt to bring our country to this horrid state.

For months, he has claimed voter fraud (long before the election), when he realized his beloved economy was tanking because of his bungling the coronavirus response. He even claimed voter fraud in 2016 when he lost the popular vote to Clinton (his voter fraud commission found nothing, by the way). He always said that if he didn't win, an election was rigged.

Fast-forward, and Trump's lies and rhetoric have increased to dangerous levels. He threatened Georgia GOP officials that their actions regarding the election were criminal. He wanted them to "find 11,780 votes" and "recalculate" the recounted/audited/certified vote totals to declare him the winner. He met with legislators of other states to try to convince them to decline their state's duly-chosen slates of electors. He excoriated those that did not bend to his twisted will.


And, despite copious rebuttals and debunking (even from Trump-appointed judges and agencies within the Trump administration), these baseless Trumpian lies settled into the minds of those that, for some reason unfathomable to me, pretty much worship Trump. And, it must be said, Trump knew exactly that which was being planned in the dark corners of the Internet--he is continually briefed on potential matters of national security (into which civil war falls), has a staff dedicated to social media, and has an echo chamber of aides and television personalities that are well-versed in these platforms and their treasonous conversations, as well.

And these Trump supporters acted on it. After Trump's exhortations to "be strong" and "fight" and "march to the capitol," they did. They stormed the US Capitol, trying to halt our duly-elected representatives from performing their Constitutionally-mandated duty. The mob broke, stole, chanted death threats, and ultimately, killed. Trump and his pals screamed ANTIFA!, but it was obvious that this was but another lie.

Here's where Trump's intent comes in: 1) Senator Sasse says Trump was delighted with the uprising in his name; 2) Trump, it appears, delayed calling additional law enforcement (which he certainly would have done if it had been a BLM insurrection); 3) Trump didn't call his own Vice-President-after the mob was chanting "Hang Mike Pence"--or any one of our country's sheltering legislators, except those he continued trying to persuade to overturn the election; 4) Trump was silent about the riot until he finally addressed the rioters--the ones trying to overthrow the government and hang his Vice-President--in a video saying that he loved them and they were very special, while repeating he agreed with them; 5) Now, Trump's supporters are similarly planning armed terroristic stormings of state buildings throughout our nation, plotting anarchy and violence at the inauguration of the duly-elected President and VP, and throwing credible death threats toward anyone that does not bow to Trump, their evil overlord. And Trump has neither discouraged nor denounced them.

Trump constantly lied--despite all credible evidence to the contrary--that our free and fair election was a fraud. He tried to convince state officials to overturn the will of the people, including using threats and fraud himself. He incited his followers to "be strong" and march to the Capitol. He supported the storming of the Capitol by his words and inaction, and later saluted those that broke, stole, chanted death threats, and killed a police officer. Now, he refuses to denounce or discourage planned violence from his perverted supporters paying homage to their king.

This is why he needs to be impeached. It will not cause further division. Those that back Donald Trump will back him, but history needs this so that his demagoguery and anti-democratic values will be forever recognized as the disgusting and dangerous behavior it is, and so it will not be replicated.

There should be no doubt this time.

Trump not only needs to be impeached, he needs to be convicted and prohibited from ever holding office again.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Hope for America

Biden's message was unity, that we can accomplish anything if we work together. Trump's message was that the opposing party must be crushed. I am beyond happy with America's choice.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Trump: Desperate, pathetic, and disgusting

 Our President just went on national television and bragged and whined and complained about the unfairness of the election. Then, the President said, in front of the entire world, that our democracy is a fraud, with no real evidence whatsoever (merely anecdotal, third-person accounts that affect a few hundred votes, at best).

Trump's pal (maybe his master?) Putin is right now dancing in the streets of Moscow.

Shame on Donald Trump.

And, literally, thank God, that my last post (anticipating a Trump win) won't come to pass.

Let's hope it's not too late.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

My God, THIS Really IS America

My country has voted for a vile and evil man. My country has voted for a man that pushes conspiracy theories and bullies anyone that doesn't metaphorically worship the ground he walks on. My country voted for a man that PURPOSELY lied and deceived the country about the transmission and severity of a deadly virus (230,000 fellow Americans and counting). My country voted for a man who has told the American public more than 22,000 lies in four years.  My country voted for a man that encourages militia groups and voter intimidators. My country voted for a man whose party wasn't saying we need to unite the country, but rather that said his party needs to squash the other.  

I could excuse it four years ago, because people didn't know really who Trump was. Many hoped he would grow into the role of President. 

But he didn't. 

And now, they know who Trump really is. He is vile and evil.

So there's no excuse for it. None. 

And sadly--terrifyingly--my fellow Americans think this is the man they should have voted for.

This is my country. And THIS is what they think our country is?

Oh, my God.

Heaven help us all.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Vote for Character

Character matters.

I grew up knowing it was wrong to lie. As a kid, I wanted to run after accidentally breaking a neighbor's newly planted sapling in a neighborhood football game. As an adult, I told a colleague a problem was covered, when I knew it hadn't been.

Thankfully, I confessed to those I lied to and no lasting harm was done. But the shame still haunts me even decades later. And I believe those two incidents have made me a better, more honest person, one people learned to trust, one of whom my mom and dad and grandparents would be proud. Those two lies have made me cognizant that I can set the course for my character, and that, indeed, my character matters.

Our current President doesn't subscribe to that notion, as is currently evidenced in the lies and misinformation emanating from the Trump campaign--altered videos and purposeful misstatements of the positions of his Democratic opponent, former Vice-President Joe Biden. 

Or it's evident in the continual deception regarding the severity and transmission of the coronavirus--a deadly virus that has killed more than 220,000 of our fellow Americans. Trump admitted to intentionally downplaying the virus, despite knowing earlier than February 7, that it was transmitted through the air and was "deadly stuff," five times more fatal than "your strenuous flus." Even now, he claims it's disappearing (as he continues to push for large-scale, mask-less campaign gatherings), when, especially in my home state, it so clearly is not.

And it's obviously evident in the 22,000+ lies or misstatements to the American people the Washington Post has catalogued from Donald Trump, just since he started his presidency.

22,000 lies.

Just two changed my life.

You'd think maybe 22,000 might have changed his.

Character matters.

And Trump doesn't have any.

Vote Biden.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Reopening the Schools?

Our President threatens to pressure schools and cut their funding if they don't open this fall.

Our Vice-President says the CDC will revise school opening guidelines so they're not "really tough and expensive," as bemoaned by Trump.

Our Education Secretary says options are being considered to withhold money from schools that don't open.

 Florida's GOP Governor, the one who boasted when Florida had coronavirus under control says that if Wal-marts and Home Depots can open, so can schools--despite the state's now record-setting cases per day. He also said he wouldn't hesitate to send his kids to school--well, if his kids were actually old enough to attend school.

So, what's next?

That's part of the problem. So many politicians are talking with their economic hearts, not their science-based heads.  And, to be honest, I think many of them are hoping it does just "disappear" as cheer-leaded by Trump.

The CDC has provided guidelines--those which Trump tabbed "too tough"--including masks, and social distancing, and staggered starts. To be honest, that will add expense--expense that politicians haven't embraced as they have for individuals or businesses.

But, you know what? It's just a few months, until a vaccine is likely developed. A country now so far in debt can incur a bit more--with masks, and thermometers, and extra busing for staggered starts--to keep its children safe. Can't it?

Speaking as a teacher nearing Covid-vulnerable status, I want to teach. I want to see my students face-to-face. I want to be able to assess them on a daily basis, and tailor their learning to fit their needs. I want to experience their sense of wonder, their joy of learning.

But we have to be safe. Our country (or at least my district, hopefully) has been working on a plan to keep students and staff safe, so the ravages of coronavirus can't take hold in our community. Or in our students. Or their families.

And, White House pressure or criticism of health recommendations be damned, don't put the kids, or their families, or the community--or me--at undue risk.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

GOP: Selfish and Arrogant

The Republicans make me sick. And it's not just the GOP leaders, it's the people who follow them, as well.

Full disclosure, I've thought the GOP has been selfish and arrogant for years. At least, the ones in Washington, which seemed to cater to the rich and ignore the rest of us, and which now are above commenting on the rantings of a dangerous president.

But now it's evident in my home town, too. I see, everyday, people who obviously don't care if I, or my neighbors or my family members, live or die.

I'm in a Republican stronghold, and just like the GOP leaders, the people in my community pretty much don't wear masks.

It isn't just a "freedom" thing, or a "rights" thing, both very important and necessary to our democracy. It's a selfish thing.

Health experts and our government say wearing masks PROTECTS OTHER PEOPLE. Like maybe the ten-year-old I know who's had chemotherapy. Or my wife who has an auto-immune disease. Or my 87-year-old mom. And the people who don't wear masks--despite health and government warnings and recommendations--say, really, I'm gonna do what I wanna do, and I don't care if you live or if you die.

"But I'm not sick, so I don't need to wear a mask." is a popular refrain.

That's where the arrogance comes into play. The same health and government experts warn that people can transmit the virus without knowing it--because they may be asymptomatic (kind of a carrier without getting the disease yourself) or pre-symptomatic (you have it, but it hasn't yet reared its ugly head--which sometimes takes two weeks). So, these people think they know more and are better than everyone else.

And it makes me sick.

Right now, only figuratively. But for some (and maybe me in the future) literally, as well.

And they just don't care. Trump plans political rallies without precautions, our Vice-President--the leader of the coronavirus task force--salutes his dozens upon dozens of campaign workers in a tweeted photo that showed no social distancing or face masks.

And, most sad and terrifying of all, my neighbors, people I've known, waved to as they pass my home, families of kids from whom I've bought candy and plants from their fundraisers, don't care if I live or if I die. They just don't want to wear a mask.

And it makes me sick.

And it should (or might) make you sick, too.