Sunday, June 5, 2011

JS article catalogs Walker's Feb deceit

Words including mistake and firestorm greeted Walker's plan to destroy public-sector unions back in February, and the Governor didn't care.  The deceit of the measure, along with behind-the-scenes info and candid reactions from many in the midst of it, can be found in a riveting article in this morning's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: "Budget confrontation rocked the state and beyond" by Bill Glauber, Dave Umhoefer and Lee Bergquist. I just don't understand how Walker backers can't see him for the slimeball that he really is.


  1. Walker backers can't see him for what he is because Republicans are out of touch with reality. For example, even though tax cuts for the wealthy and for the corporations have not worked for the last eight years to create jobs and create a healthy economy, they think if they keep doing what has not worked in the past, it will somehow work THIS time. If you haven't yet, read "The Shock Doctrine." It explains a lot about what is going on in our state right now.

  2. Thanks lot for this useful article, nice post
