Friday, June 3, 2011

Walker planning Sat., June 4, visit to Rock County farm

Walker will appear tomorrow morning at the Rock County Dairy Breakfast at the Daluge farm on Highway G between Janesville and Beloit. Visitors to WEAC's facebook are hoping to provide a "welcoming committee." Non-Walker-related info about the event here.  I can't make it, but give my best to the guv.

UPDATE: SAT. 1PM--if you were at either of Walker's farm visits today (in Iowa or Rock Counties), please leave a comment about what you saw.  THANKS!


  1. Univited Wisconsin Governor--whom a friend of mine in January reffered to as, Hosne McFerret-Face--wore his "Badger" polo shirt and did appear at the Rock County Dairy Breakfast. I didn't see the little weasle until later in the morning, as he was trying to sequester himself at the far corner of the event. Temptation to start the chan, "Not a Badger, Walker is a Weasle," I didn't secure permission from our wonderful hosts and didn't want to insult them, but starting a rumble. Members of the planning committee said that he was not invited but not surpisingly insinuated himself into the event. I heard he served some pancakes, but I think he should have been assigned to his real expertise, shoveling manure. Thus a beautiful country morning in South central Wisconsin was spoiled by the despicable appearance of our dictator, dangling by corporate puppet strings... SHAME!

    -In Public Service for Those With Disabilities

  2. Thank you for the first-hand account. Walker's tweet on his twitter account reads, "Got steady stream of support @ dairy breakfasts this am. People keep saying "hang in there" & "we're praying 4 u."

    And you are absolutely right--what a weasel...

  3. He did get a steady stream of support. I am proud that someone in government finally has the balls to stand up to the free loading people of Wisconsin! It was great to see him. It's not his fault the state is such distress, it's the previous officials!

  4. Dear Anonymous, I'll put the hard work of my "free-loading" ass up against anyone else's any day of the year. Apparently, Walker does not blame the previous administration for the state's distress, he has put the blame and the burden squarely on the backs of the state's public workers.

  5. I wrote in haste: not only has the brunt of this been borne by the state's public workers, but the poor, the elderly, the education system, and the environment have all paid dearly for Walker's inexcusable love affair with business

  6. Thanks for sharing these important information.
