Saturday, April 21, 2018

The Difference

When GOP favorites are in the crosshairs of criminal investigation, they cry, "WITCH HUNT!" and create unbelievable conspiracy theories to defend their own.

Now that the Inspector General has referred former Acting FBI Head Andrew McCabe (who, although a registered Republican and the man Trump considered naming to head up the FBI, has become a pariah for conservatives and a pseudo-hero for progressives) for criminal investigation, the Dems, unless I missed it, haven't been tweeting, complaining, opining 24/7 on news outlets, that this is a "witch hunt."

Although, yes, there may be some political motivation, most progressives (including me), seem to be thinking, "Let this run its course. If there is criminal intent or action, let justice be served."

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So when you sit back and take a look at how both sides deal with situations and threats to our democracy, who would you really rather have running the country?

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