Saturday, April 28, 2018

The House GOP picks some cherries

To celebrate the DC Mall cherry-blossoms, it appears the House Intelligence Committee GOP has continued with its quest to cherry-pick findings for its Donald Trump/Russia investigation. In the recently released findings, they found--SPOILER ALERT--no collusion (or as Trump--the most proficient cherry-picker of them all--would say, NO COLLUSION!! NO COLLUSION!!  NO COLLUSION!!). The full story here.

The most important phrase of the report: ...the GOP committee members found that "none of the interviewed witnesses provided evidence of collusion, coordination, or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government."

Um, that's not exactly definitive that nothing happened, is it?

I mean, one morning, my newspaper was missing from the driveway. I asked my wife if she had retrieved it earlier. I asked my neighbors if they saw anyone take it.  I asked the paper carrier if she neglected to deliver it. and "NONE OF THE INTERVIEWED WITNESSES PROVIDED EVIDENCE" as to what happened to my paper. But, still, something really had happened to my paper, right?

I just didn't ask the right people, didn't ask the right questions, or maybe, heaven forbid, somebody lied? (Note: I have since cleared my wife)

BUT STILL SOMETHING HAPPENED, RIGHT?!!! (Sorry for shouting--I've been reading too many tweets from Washington).

And even this staunchly let-the-President-say-or-do-anything (as long as he passes our agenda) committee didn't say everything was squeaky clean.

Far from it.

It called the Trump Tower campaign meeting with a Kremlin-representative to receive dirt on a political foe as "poor judgment," and it also "found the Trump campaign's periodic praise for the communications with WikiLeaks--a hostile foreign organization--to be highly objectionable and inconsistent with U.S. national security interests."

(Wow. Kind of makes Comey's "extremely careless" remark about Clinton's handling of emails seem pretty tame, huh?)

So, yeah, it's not over. The GOP has cherry-picked the people and the questions they asked. And now they've cherry-picked their findings.

Fortunately for our country (and not so much for Trump and the rubber-stamp GOP), Mueller's investigation is waiting until the cherries are ripe.

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