Saturday, October 20, 2018

Enemy of the People

Trump calls the media the enemy of the people.
Amazingly--and terrifyingly so--his minions believe him.
They believe his lies about "fake news," and they chuckle at his "jokes" about GOPers body-slamming reporters, or nod in affirmation about his dismissiveness with members of the press during a press conference (i.e., calling on "Mr. Kurd"). They silently cheer when certain news outlets are denied access to Presidential forums, they laugh when he mocks a journalist with disabilities, they jeer--actually jeer--at the journalists present when Trump spews his vile lies about the media at his rallies.
And now Trump says the explanation of the brutal murder of a journalist, likely at the hand of Saudi government forces, is credible-credible--despite logic, decency, and even now-ardent-Trump-backer Lindsay Graham saying it's not.
The country should be aghast (and many of us are).
The media (and the free speech that protects even the misguided-or-worse websites that also peddle Trump's disgusting trash) are something we need in this country. They allow us to gain access to facts instead of just taking someone's word for it (such as, "I am not a crook" or "No collusion!!"), they allow us to make informed decisions, and they are vital to keep those in power accountable.
But Trump still peddles his divisiveness and hatred.
And so sadly, for many, it's working.
But is it the media that's the enemy of the people?
Or is it Trump?

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