Tuesday, July 23, 2024

GOP demonizes Harris for being Black and a woman

As I posted yesterday, now that Biden's gone, the GOP would have to start demonizing the Democrats' new pick, Vice-President Kamala Harris.

It didn't take long.

Instead of attacking her competence and her record, however, they went right for the racist and sexist jugular. 

WI Rep. Glenn Grothman proudly
shares his racist attitudes

Despite Harris having won elections for San Francisco DA, California AG, US Senate, and as Biden's running mate, the "pride" of my home state, GOP Representative Glenn Grothman (a longtime espouser of misogynist views, btw), jumped into the racism with both feet, attributing her recent backing from Democrats to her "ethnic background."

Tennessee Rep. Tim Burchett (um, also GOP), joined right in, calling Harris a DEI Vice-President (Note: "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" is designed to provide opportunity for qualified individuals from underserved populations, but has become a right-wing slur accusing people of getting handed a job solely because of their race or their gender), having only gotten the job because of her race. 

TN Rep. Tim Burchett:
"What about white females?"

Amazingly, Burchett dug his racist hole even deeper: "What about--what about white females?" he asked.

It also turns out that GOP VP nominee J.D. Vance has been on the misogyny train all along. In a 2021 video, Vance called Harris one of the "childless cat ladies, who are miserable at their own lives." (Note: Harris is not childless (with two stepchildren) and, anecdotally, does not seem the least bit miserable with her life).

Some GOP have said Harris (to use a longstanding slur against Black Americans) is not articulate or doesn't speak well (which they never said about their mumbling, bumbling Trump).

And the GOP's despicable flag-bearer Donald Trump, in a continuation of his misogynistic behavior he perfected during his 2016 campaign against Hillary Clinton, posted that Harris was "dumb as a rock." Of course, he also purposely mispronounces her name to denigrate her.

And, right on cue, the birther lies and accusations--as is GOP standard procedure--have, once again, reared their ugly, racist heads (to devalue accomplishments of people of color). Supposedly, Harris is ineligible for President because her parents were born outside of the US--which is of no consequence where they were born (Trump even perpetuated this racist lie in 2019: "I heard today that she doesn't meet the requirements").

So, only a day or so in, and the GOP's racist/misogynist banner is fully hoisted and flying for all the world to see.

It's time to send Trump and his GOP packing.

Vote Harris.

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