Showing posts with label MAGA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MAGA. Show all posts

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Racism: Today's "Trump Daily Despicability" Entry

Today's entry into the Trump Despicability Index is no secret: Trump is racist.

And he knows how to play his racist audience for support.

Trump's racist assertions about Haley are lies

He's previously done so quite obviously: promoting Confederate "values" with his "Fine people, on both sides" comment about Charlottesville, or his inspiring of the ultra-racist and Trump-supporting Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by" during a Presidential debate when asked to condemn their repulsive tenets of white supremacy.

Now, just as he did for Barack Obama, Ted Cruz, and Kamala Harris, Trump has added Nikki Haley to his resume of racism by promoting the baseless and disgusting conspiracy lie that she, too, is ineligible for the presidency because she is--wait for it--not a US-born citizen.

Um, except she is (as are Obama, Cruz, and Harris).

Haley was born, indisputably, in the US--in Bamberg, South Carolina.

And, according to the US Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment (which also talks about disqualification for insurrection, btw), "All persons the United States...are citizens of the United States..."

So, why does Trump do this?

Because he wants the racism daily double--he thinks his doing so will "delegitimize" a political opponent (who is not "white" like him and his followers) AND he gets to rally and infuriate his gullible and angry base of deplorable voters that are still burning from the "indignity" of a Black man being elected US President in 2008.

And, in this heavily MAGA anti-immigrant climate (well, non-European immigrant, anyway), it's just a bonus for Trump's rabid base that Haley's parents were both immigrants (who, btw, Trump says are "poisoning the blood of our country").

Hmm, also immigrants were Harris's parents and Cruz's father (Obama's Kenyan dad had been studying in the US with his Kansas-born wife when Barack was born). (Parenthetically, Melania's an immigrant, too, albeit of white, European heritage).

This isn't a coincidence.

And this isn't a mistake.

This is a former president and current candidate for that office purposely playing the racist card to pull the cockroaches from the dark recesses of our society out into the light so they will cast their votes for him.

THAT'S Trump's strategy.

If that's not despicable, nothing is. 

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Trump's Army: Standing Back and Standing By

Just as in the days before January 6, 2021, when Trump told a despicable white supremacist group to "stand back and stand by," his MAGA army of extremists are ready to thwart justice in his criminal trials--just as they (thankfully) unsuccessfully tried to thwart democracy on January 6.

Trump has issued an all-caps warning that "If you go after me, I'm coming after you." 

And Trump has reason to believe his troglodytic supporters will do his bidding. They harassed poll workers. They threatened Georgia GOP officials. They illegally accessed voting machines. They lied and schemed in devious plans to overturn an election. After he told them to "fight like hell," they overran the Capitol in a scary and shameful act of cowardice and fealty.

Now that Trump has been criminally charged (after numerous grand juries found probable cause of criminal actions), his extremist MAGA army is at it again.

Word comes today that death threats have been made to judges overseeing Trump trials. Purported names and addresses of the brave Grand Jury members in Fulton County have been shared by Trump's minions--likely to change their lives forever. Trump's---yes--deplorable extremist backers (about whom disgraced AZ gubernatorial loser Kari Lake remarked all owned guns, btw) will undoubtedly try to do Trump's disgusting, twisted bidding in physical manisfestation.

Already, messages are shared (even on Trump's home for idiots, his TRUTH platform) talking about fighting for our country, which undoubtedly includes doing whatever it takes to protect "The Boss."

Let's hope the jury--or all FOUR juries, actually--are courageous enough to decide their verdicts on the basis of guilt or innocence, not on the fear of violence, once again, committed by Trump's extremist MAGA army.