Showing posts with label union. Show all posts
Showing posts with label union. Show all posts

Friday, June 3, 2011

WI teachers: Paying union dues IS important

I haven't posted in a week because, due to some family sadness, I couldn't feel the passion.  Our 30 year old niece went into hospice care, and quite frankly, I couldn't see the importance of my little blog compared to that immense sadness.

Today, I got an e-mail from a first-year teacher who logically wondered why teachers should continue paying union dues despite unions having been emasculated by Walker's collective bargaining "law." Without minimizing our family tragedy, I realized that other things do matter, and, if nothing else, I want teachers reading this to understand that continuing to pay union dues is unbelievably vital for the sake of our students, our profession, and our state.

Here's my reply:
I can understand the saving money aspect, especially with all the extra money the Republican legislature is making public workers pay (that no one else has to).  Recouping that $800 is awful tempting.

As a matter of fact, even in our district, there are veteran teachers who are questioning the necessity of paying union dues if the union has such little power.

I guess the biggest thing for me is that the money goes towards lobbying and people who make sure our voice gets heard--both for teachers and for education.  If union payments stop, there's a very good chance the pendulum would never swing back towards us (or even towards the middle) regarding salaries and procedures that have been negotiated fairly between teachers and elected officials over the years, but would very likely continue to swing towards more payments from, and fewer rights for, us.

And it's not just about us and our salaries/benefits, it's about providing a voice for what's in the best interest of student education--Walker has proposed almost a billion dollars in cuts to education, and has increased programs to diminish the institution of public schools (including increasing the voucher system, no limits on the amount of kids in computer "virtual" schools, not using the same tests every public school and teacher will be judged on, not even requiring teacher certification in charter schools).  Without a continued and unified presence, education--and the teaching profession--will be severely limited in the future.  To be honest, in my opinion, salaries and benefits will continue to slide, because they will be allowed to slide--as will things such as "specials" and extra-curriculars--and our kids (not just us) will be in a lot worse shape because of it. So, even if unions are severely crippled because of Walker's plan, again, in my opinion, it really is important to keep the unions intact, and that pro-education voices continue to be heard in Madison and in the nation (and in our community).

But my thoughts are still elsewhere.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

WHO won't steal the election?

In an interview with, Governor Walker vows that union leaders won't steal the election from David Prosser. (1) 

Huh?  Which candidate has more reason to question voting irregularities?

Governor, how about "We know there were some questions with the clerk's handling of votes in Waukesha County, so we'll make sure everything is above board?" 

Nope.  My governor, yet again, jumps right over conciliatory to combative.

And Walker maintains in the interview that "it is clear" that Republicans did not violate the open meetings law to pass budget repair which, of course, he is confident the Supreme Court will uphold (which includes Prosser who just happens to be the candidate Walker's administration said would be essential to further their agenda). (2)

I'm guessing, then, they haven't been even entertaining other possibilites.  For what it's worth, my senator, Grothman, e-mailed me April 5, regarding my question as to whether they'd be re-passing budget repair that "discussions were underway." (3)

But now Walker and his colleagues won't have to worry about that.  They'll just have to worry about keeping the possibility of "union thugs" in the headlines, to divert attention from their own "irregularities."

ADDENDUM: The Newsmax interview also intimates that Kloppenburg received an inordinate amount of outside campaign money.  Politifact estimated that Prosser spent 38% more such money than did she. (4)

(1) Governor Walker Vows...,,
(2) Walker agenda could be stopped, if Prosser is defeated, JS Online, 4/5/11,
(3) Personal e-mail correspondence from Sen. Glenn Grothman, 4/5/11
(4) Politifact, JS Online,