Sunday, April 10, 2011

WHO won't steal the election?

In an interview with, Governor Walker vows that union leaders won't steal the election from David Prosser. (1) 

Huh?  Which candidate has more reason to question voting irregularities?

Governor, how about "We know there were some questions with the clerk's handling of votes in Waukesha County, so we'll make sure everything is above board?" 

Nope.  My governor, yet again, jumps right over conciliatory to combative.

And Walker maintains in the interview that "it is clear" that Republicans did not violate the open meetings law to pass budget repair which, of course, he is confident the Supreme Court will uphold (which includes Prosser who just happens to be the candidate Walker's administration said would be essential to further their agenda). (2)

I'm guessing, then, they haven't been even entertaining other possibilites.  For what it's worth, my senator, Grothman, e-mailed me April 5, regarding my question as to whether they'd be re-passing budget repair that "discussions were underway." (3)

But now Walker and his colleagues won't have to worry about that.  They'll just have to worry about keeping the possibility of "union thugs" in the headlines, to divert attention from their own "irregularities."

ADDENDUM: The Newsmax interview also intimates that Kloppenburg received an inordinate amount of outside campaign money.  Politifact estimated that Prosser spent 38% more such money than did she. (4)

(1) Governor Walker Vows...,,
(2) Walker agenda could be stopped, if Prosser is defeated, JS Online, 4/5/11,
(3) Personal e-mail correspondence from Sen. Glenn Grothman, 4/5/11
(4) Politifact, JS Online,

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