Sunday, April 3, 2011

So, um, Prosser never was a judge before, either...?


The adroit handling of the budget bills by Scott Walker and his pals has turned what should have been a cakewalk for the reelection of State Supreme Court Justice David Prosser into a real dogfight (pardon the mixed metaphors...).  In the Feb. primary, in what was a relatively obscure race, Prosser garnered a commanding 55% of the vote, with Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg receiving but a scant 25%. (1)

Because of the well-warranted attention now given to the importance of this race's outcome and the future course of this state's law interpretation, we Wisconsinites have been subjected to obscene amounts of special interest money pouring into our state and airwaves, (2) literally spouting lies and misinformation from both sides (i.e., Kloppenburg put an 80 year old farmer in jail, Prosser knew about/did nothing about a pedophile priest). (3,4)

So that's given us a chance to focus on other things, such as Prosser's claim he was "deliberately goad(ed)" into calling the Wisconsin Chief Justice "a total bitch"(5)  and the fact that Prosser's biggest personal selling point seems to be that Kloppenburg has never been a judge.

Guess what?  Before his Supreme Court appointment by Tommy Thompson, NEITHER WAS PROSSER! (6, 7)

(From JS Online) "Walker himself dismissed the idea that the race would be a referendum on the bargaining law or his agenda." (8)

Guess what, Governor?  You've made it just that.

And YOU gave Kloppenburg a shot.


ADDENDUM: The commercial pounding the airwaves right now is that Kloppenburg is weak on crime.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Supreme Court deal with constitutional issues, not criminals...?

(1) Prosser, Kloppenburg to Face Off in...Election, WI Law Journal, 2/16/11
(2) Report: Outside, WI State Journal, 4/2/11
(3) Politifaxt JS Online,
(4) Politifact, JS Online,
(5) Supreme Court tensions boil over, JS Online, 3/19/11
(6) Capital Times, 4/3/11
(7) Justice Prosser website
(8) Bit players dominate state Supreme Court race, JS Online, 4/3/11

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