Thursday, March 31, 2011

Icky Stuff From My Side, Too...

UPDATE: AFSCME says that it was "overzealousness" and no boycott is planned, after all.  It was still incredibly stupid, overzealousness or not.

I am all for free choice, but AFSCME Council 24 (a WI State Employees Union) blew it.  They sent letters to businesses asking them to put a sign in their business window--"This Business Supports Wisconsin Worker Rights"--or else, in this case a boycott. (1)

Really, AFSCME?  Really?  Both sides here are engaged in a PR battle for public support, and you present something that smacks of extortion, union thuggery, and the bullying shown by the capitol Republicans? 

I am all for personal choice boycotts of businesses that gave large donations to back Walker (i.e., Walmart), but this is not cool. 

This is icky.

I know the side of the Wisconsin workers is the just, the moral side, of this issue, I'm am so sorry to see this instance that, really, we're no better than they.

(1) Union Threatens boycott of any business that doesn't show support, JS Online, 3/31/11,

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