Sunday, March 27, 2011

Um, or Maybe Not...

Government’s first duty is to provide for the safety of its citizens. This means protecting the rights of crime victims and providing the brave men and women in Wisconsin law enforcement the resources they need to keep our schools and neighborhoods safe.
 --Scott Walker's website (1)

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3/27/11:

Gov. Scott Walker's budget denies funding for a fledgling police file-sharing system that supporters say already has grown into a crucial tool in detecting criminals' cross-jurisdiction patterns.  

The Wisconsin Justice Information System allows police in the state to access each other's files. It also allows officers to transmit citations instantly to prosecutors and courts, saving time.

The state Office of Justice Assistance has built the system over about the last four years using mostly federal start-up money. Now the agency says most of that money is drying up. OJA officials requested $2 million in the state's budget for the system but Walker declined to devote any state dollars to it because of tight budgets. Police say losing the system would be like turning back the clock.  (2)

No comment needed.  Actions speak louder than words, Governor.


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