Sunday, March 27, 2011

LAWS? We don't need no stinkin' laws!!

Well, Republicans have obviously skirted a judge's temporary restraining order (which means, yeah, there may be some legal problems with this), by having the Legislative Reference Bureau publish the budget repair bill into law onto the Internet, instead of having the Secretary of State do so (as specified by the state) into the official state print publication, the Wisconsin State Journal

The Republicans are vehement in their belief that such a publication (which I think may be but one step up officially from tacking it onto the kitchen refrigerator) is valid, and--Wisconsin judge rulings be damned--the bill is a law, starting...NOW.  The Secretary of State, of course, says it's not a law until he can have it officially published, which can't happen until the state courts can determine if the bill's creation and subsequent passage were the result of an illegal meeting, for goodness sakes.  Even the bureau that published it said it still had to be published in the official state newspaper for it to become effective. (1)

Methinks thou dost protest too much, Republicans.  You may have the votes to make the rules, but for those rules you haven't yet been able to change, you have to be willing to play by them.


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