Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Blog Topic OVERLOAD!

My goodness, what a day.

1) Wisconsin courts essentially say, "Hey, what part of 'don't publish this' didn't you understand?!" as even the publisher of "budget repair" said of Fitzgerald's demand to publish it (possibly illegally), "He is our boss, so a request from him would be at the level of insisting." (1)
2) Some of the anointed saviors of Wisconsin education--choice schools--are found to be performing as bad or worse than public schools in Milwaukee. (2)
3) Walker applies for high-speed rail stimulus funds from the federal government (ironically, some of which are available, according to JS Online, because another Republican governor turned them down). (3)
4) Communities all over the state are confused and hesitant to implement taking extra health care and pension contributions from their employees (as spelled out in budget-repair) because, I guess, they're not that confident in their Governor's actions. (1)
5)  Madison unveils a five-years-in-the-making public mural illustrating the rich and pioneering history of the labor movement in Wisconsin (aside from Walker's request for high-speed rail money, this is the supreme irony of the day...). (4)

Former guv Tommy Thompson (who supports Walker (5)) used to say, "It's a great day for Wisconsin."

Think again. 

It's a great day for bloggers.

Not so much for Wisconsinites, though.

(1) Judge again blocks implementation of collective bargaining law, JS Online, 3/29/11, http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/118839999.html
(2) Choice schools not outperforming MPS , JS Online, 3 /29/11, http://www.jsonline.com/news/education/118820339.html
(3) State seeks high-speed rail money for Hiawatha upgrade, JS Online, 3/29/11, http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/118842999.html
(4) New Mural Depicts the History of Labor Movements in Wisconsin, Wisconsin State Journal, 3/29/11, http://host.madison.com/wsj/business/article_2ad9cbcc-5a59-11e0-b22d-001cc4c002e0.html
(5) Thompson Praises Walker, Remains Silent on Labor Law, Politico, 2/22/11, http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/0211/Thompson_praises_Walker_remains_silent_on_labor_law.html

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