Saturday, March 26, 2011

Maybe the People DON'T Deserve to Know...

As you may remember, the state assembly passed the "budget-repair" bill after 1:00 AM on Feb. 22, with many Democrats (and even some Republicans) not present because of the time. (1)

Shortly thereafter, Republicans forwarded through committee the revised bill, despite objections of the sole democrat, minority leader Peter Barca, who said that there was insufficient time to review the new bill. (2)

In an interview while running for Governor in April, 2010, Walker said both such moves would never happen under his watch:

(Walker) promised to sign legislation if elected governor that prohibits the Legislature from voting after 10 p.m. or before 9 a.m.
"I have two teenagers and I tell them that nothing good happens after midnight. That's even more true in politics," he said in a statement. "The people of Wisconsin deserve to know what their elected leaders are voting on." (3)
 I guess he forgot.

I wonder what other surprises he has in store for the people of Wisconsin?


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