Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nuggets from the News

A smattering of stuff today from our favorite governor...

From Jason Stein of the Journal Sentinel:  "Gov. Scott Walker said Tuesday that he’d ordered that a son of a prominent supporter be demoted because there were “more qualified” candidates available."  
Really, Governor?  Your crack staff couldn't figure out that a guy with no college degree and no experience wasn't less qualified than a guy with a doctoral degree and eight years experience (who didn't even get an interview, for goodness sakes)?  (1) 

Daniel Bice (again) of the JS:  "Who knew that Gov. Scott Walker had headed out on a national tour to help raise money for Republican senators facing possible recalls?" Bice cites an interview with NewsMax.com (cited in an earlier posting here) that Walker was in Florida drumming up money for legislators in Wisconsin. (2,3)
You're kidding, right?  The governor who wailed about protestors "almost all from out of state" (and proven false (4) ) is now not doing his job by traveling to seek money from out-of-state people to help his pals?  Amazing.

And one more from the Journal Sentinel (Patrick Marley): "Milwaukee's ordinance requiring businesses to provide paid sick leave would be voided under a bill Republicans in the Assembly sent to Gov. Scott Walker on Tuesday." (5)
As we've heard, ad nauseam, when the majority vote fits Walker's agenda, it's "Hey, the people voted for it."  This ordinance passed with 69% of the vote.  That's 69%!  And, since Walker doesn't want it, he yet again--just like collective bargaining, just like open meetings--simply has his legislature change the laws to accommodate his agenda.  Did I already say, "Amazing?"

A little less than 266 days until the recall petition can be submitted to the GAB, Governor.

But, then, who's counting?

(1) "Walker Responds..., JS Online, 4/12/11
(2) "Report: Walker Launches national fundraising tour, JS Online, 4/12/11
(3) "Walker: Unions Won't Steal Prosser Election Win," NewsMax.com, 4/10/11
(4) Politifact, JS Online
(5) "Court of Appeals reinstates...," JS Online, 3/24/11

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