Monday, July 29, 2024

I'm sick of the deplorable GOP

 A couple elections ago, the Democratic candidate for President termed some of Trump's supporters a "basket of deplorables."

Now, in 2024, it has encompassed the entire party.

And I'm sick of them.

Back during Covid, when science said to wear masks (which, research shows, works to inhibit virus dispersal--despite what your MAGA uncle says), GOP supporters in my community chose not to. They didn't care about possibly infecting the elderly or the immunocompromised. They didn't care about stopping Covid completely by reducing the possibility of variants created as it spread.

They just didn't want to wear a mask. So, they didn't.

As the GOP President spread lies and misinformation about an election that was "stollen" (as Trump spelled it), his gullible believers--despite copious mountains of debunking evidence and testimony from his own administration and daughter, Ivanka--continued to push the lie. Many shameless GOP officials suggested the election was not legitimate. Only a handful of principled GOP members called out Trump and his baseless accusations.

Trump and the GOP now celebrate
those that attacked police and tried
 to thwart the Constitution
And when Trump's supporters, on January 6, 2021, attacked and injured Capitol police, ransacked the US Capitol, and chanted to hang the GOP Vice-President because of Trump's GOP-backed lies, the GOP President watched it unfold on television for 187 minutes, before he finally told these violent domestic terrorists that he agreed with them and that he loved them.

Many GOP members blamed Trump directly for, what some principled GOP leaders termed, the insurrection. Senator Mitch McConnell had a particularly powerful such opinion here.

But within months, when it became apparent that Trump still had his rabid, gullible base, the GOP tried to rewrite history, whitewash the day's violence and intent, and now GOP members call these perpetrators of horrendous violence (designed to thwart the Constitution) "patriots" and "political prisoners." 

The GOP chose the criminal
over the people
And when juries of citizens--selected, in part, by Trump's own lawyers, for goodness sakes--heard evidence, and in the face of possible retaliation from Trump's basket of deplorables (as many had previously threatened judges, court officials, their families, and witnesses), rendered guilty verdicts on 34 (THIRTY-FOUR!) felony counts, and also civil liabilities in the hundreds of millions of dollars, GOP leaders took the side of the duly-found criminal, and called these proceedings a sham.

Amazingly, the GOP then made this deplorable man their candidate for President. All of the sudden, the few, remaining, principled GOP backers, it seems, have turned their backs on morality, and decency, and what is right, just to kowtow to Donald Trump--to get his tax breaks, or to confirm they can vilify and call other people names, or whatever they--and his supporters--get from this deplorable act of hypocrisy and cowardice.

And now, GOP members use racist tactics to attack Trump's opponent, the Vice-President of the United States--by Trump purposely mispronouncing her name, or others shouting "She's a DEI hire!" or claiming Democrats back Harris because of "her ethnic background."

They call migrants "trash," "rapists," "convicts." 

They demonize gays and Muslims, and call cities run by Democrats "horrible."

And I'm just sick of them.

Let me say that a little louder:


It's time to vote them out for the good of our country--

the whole deplorable basketful of them.


Sunday, July 28, 2024

Quick Take: Buttigieg skewers Fox News

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg appeared today on Fox News with Shannon Bream. 

To Bream's credit, she let Buttigieg talk.

But, in retrospect, she--and the Trump campaign--probably wishes she hadn't.

Buttigieg proceeded to factually and systematically dismantle the right's negative talking points about Vice-President (and likely Presidential nominee) Kamala Harris.

It's a lot of fun to watch, actually (well, unless you're a Trump fan...).

Democratic support for Kamala Harris is ‘coming from the ground up’: Pete Buttigieg | Watch (

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Quick Take: How white was the RNC?

Just an interesting nugget:

The Republican National Committe's GOP convention included numerous African-American speakers, and RNC officials talked about their "big tent" to include people of color.

According to Daniel Bice of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, a whopping 3% of the delegates were Black.

Which, to be honest, was an enormous increase from Trump's first RNC convention in 2016, which had 1%.

Keep pitching that "big tent," GOP!

Friday, July 26, 2024

Trump mispronouncing Kamala: straight-up racism

Trump claims he's a “stable genius,” so why doesn’t he pronounce correctly the first name of the country’s Vice-President (and Presidential race opponent) Kamala Harris?

The choice is clear--
Kamala or the racist?
To be sure, Trump has butchered a lot of words (calling, for instance, California’s National Park “Yo, Semite”), but saying Harris’s name wrong isn’t just another example of his being uneducated or the bumblings of a doddering old man.

Experts point out that such purposeful mispronunciation is often a power move meant to bully another, assert dominance, put someone down.

However, when it involves the name of a person of color, it’s much more than that.

It’s straight-up racism.

Harris’s first name (pronounced--as Trump well knows--“Comma-la”) is Sanskrit, meaning “lotus flower.” About a million people worldwide share “Kamala,” most of them in India—the country of origin for Harris’s mother.

And when Trump purposely pronounces it otherwise, it hearkens back to days of US slavery, when names were changed or “Americanized” to strip enslaved people of their culture, their heritage, and their dignity. It also serves to disparage, in general, the culture from which it comes. And Trump’s done it before—mocking Nikki Haley’s given first name, “Nimarata,” and assigning her his demeaning version, “Nimbra.”

So, when you hear the despicable Donald Trump mispronounce the name of Vice-President Kamala Harris, know that it’s not just another “clever” nickname like his tiresome “Sleepy Joe,” or his now-self-describing “Crooked Hillary.”


It’s racism.

And that’s who the despicable GOP thinks should be President.

Vote KAMALA Harris.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Harris's VP sweepstakes

So, who will be Harris's pick for VP? There's plenty of speculation, but one thing is certain: Harris's choice won't be anywhere as abysmal as Trump's JD Vance.

Arizona's US Senator Mark Kelly
Although some of the early favorites, such as Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and California's Gavin Newsom, have taken their names out of the running, there's still a surprisingly strong line-up from which Harris can choose.

The two that seem to be drawing the most attention are North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper--a close friend of Harris's who has won convincingly in what many consider a red state--and Arizona's US Senator Mark Kelly, a former astronaut who was only elected in 2020.

I think she'd do well to pick Kelly. 

First off, he's from a swing state. It's always nice for a campaign to have a "favorite son" in a swing state.  

And, as Arizona Senator, Kelly has worked on in-state border issues; he's even been critical of Biden's handling of immigration.  Kelly could give the Harris ticket a bit of instant credibility regarding Harris's perceived weakest issue.

His views on guns align with a tenet of the Harris campaign, which promotes "the freedom to be safe from gun violence." Kelly and his wife, former AZ Rep. Gabby Giffords--who was shot and disabled at a political event--formed their own political action committee to address gun violence. But Kelly still can additionally appeal to Second Amendment advocates: "Gabby and I are pro-gun ownership. We are anti-gun violence."

Hey! He's an astronaut!
Kelly's service as a US Navy Captain will likely bring automatic standing with US Vets, as well.

And, hey, he's an astronaut (which is undeniably cool, right?).

And he's WAY better than JD Vance.

Here's a USA Today article with pros and cons of Harris's potential VP picks

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Quick Take: Favorite Harris speech lines yesterday

Former prosecutor VP
Harris knows Trump's type
Vice-President Harris blew the doors off the presidential race yesterday with a dynamic speech in Milwaukee. Here are a couple lines worth reliving:

Predator, fraudster,
"I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women. Fraudsters who ripped off consumers. Cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So, hear me when I say, I know Donald Trump's type."

"Ultimately, in this election, we each face a question, what kind of country do we want to live in? Do we want to live in a country of freedom, compassion, and rule of law? Or a country of chaos, fear, and hate? We each have the power to answer that question. The power is with the people."

Thank you, Kamala.

And, uh-oh, Donald.

Relive the entire speech here.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

THIS is our next President

Vice-President Kamala Harris just blew the doors off this whole election in Milwaukee today with this INCREDIBLE speech.

THIS is our next President: