Sunday, September 3, 2023

Celebrate Labor (Day)

 Another Labor Day arrives--burgers on the grill, ice-cold beverages in hand, kids enjoying their last summer freedom before school.

And it's to celebrate labor and the contributions of countless laborers that built this country. And unions helped many of them receive fair pay, hours, benefits. I'm a proud union member, as is my wife, sibling, father, etc. Unions aren't just a "Democrat" thing, it's a nationwide thing, something that has provided fairness to those countless workers whether or not they were officially represented by a union. Many of the things we take for granted in the workplace were/are in place because of unions. 

So, this Labor Day Weekend, I'll take a moment to reflect on my gratitude for those who work to keep this country strong, and I'll consider my gratitude, as well, for the unions that helped us all.

Time to pop a cold one. I think your burger's done.

Happy Labor Day!

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