Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Ineptitude, Thy Name is Trump

Trump's legal teams can be summed up in one word: 


Time after time, the lawyers representing Trump are, well, terrible.

Former Trump "fixer" Michael Cohen is now a convicted felon. 

Trump's "Kraken" team of head lawyer (and now public disgrace) Rudy Giuliani and fellow schemers Sydney Powell, Lin Wood, and Jenna Ellis, et al.--which Rudy and conservative "media" called the "Dream Team"--all face criminal indictments.

And the mention of the "Kraken" merely conjures up images of Giuliani pushing fantastical election conspiracies from a parking lot next to a sex shop or with bulging eyes and hair dye running down his face.

Just yesterday, another great example of that ineptitude was on display. A New York judge ruled Trump and his company liable for fraud because they jacked up values of Trump properties to obtain more favorable loans.
Take, for a prime example, the valuation of Trump's Mar-a-Lago, Trump's crown jewel and primary residence. Trump valued it at between $400-600 million dollars, which doesn't seem a stretch in that Forbes valued it at about $350 million (based on real estate values and money brought in) in 2022 (although, fyi, the property was valued at under $30 million for tax purposes). All Trump's team had to do was make a case it was worth a little more than the Forbes estimate.

They failed miserably. 

Instead of even proving a $350 million value, the judge decided Trump's crown jewel was worth only between $18-28 million dollars (consistent with that assessed value for tax purposes), remarking that "a discrepancy of this order of magnitude, by a real estate developer sizing up his own living space of decades, can only be considered fraud."


And, of course, such stunning failure of his personally chosen lawyers certainly reflects upon Trump and his judgment itself, don't you think?

Regarding his fraud/overvaluation liability, Trump has said his team will appeal.

I wouldn't hold my breath, if I were Trump.

And, with the previously-demonstrated "prowess" by his legal teams, I don't think I'd be holding out too much hope for my criminal trials, either. 

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