Monday, May 21, 2018

The terrifying folks on Twitter

Sure, the daily lies and threats coming from Trump are scary, especially when he undermines everything from law enforcement to the judicial system, or when he promotes conspiracy theories and (fake) anti-Muslim videos or how racist rally-goers in Charlottesville include fine people.

But Trump doesn't even scratch the surface of the real conspiracy followers--the terrifyingly almost-terroristic tweeters that promote "bringing the pain." Honestly, I had no idea this kind of pointed delusion existed. EVERYTHING is a conspiracy against Donald Trump or America or Conservatism (it is totally possible that such messed-up vitriol exists for liberal-leaning Tweeters, too, but I have not found them in the hashtags of those commenting on my tweets). And, again, horribly scary alert, HUNDREDS of people like or retweet this filth (For example, "Pizzagate," the incredibly disgusting fantasy that Hillary Clinton was running a child sex ring out of the basement of a pizza restaurant is still promoted as fact--despite the fact that one of these heinous figures shot up the restaurant, then found there wasn't even a basement).

Here are just three, very randomly chosen--and INCREDIBLY scary--posts from these very twisted people (I will not be including hashtags or Twitter handles so as not to promote them, I just want to share how brutally warped and threatening their posts are):
Perhaps, WE THE PEOPLE ... 75M Strong w/ 300M+ weapons will take to the streets as well. We’ve had enough of the criminal enterprise of the Lib Left & the high crimes by Obama & his Deep State. We will preserve OUR CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC COME HELL OR HIGH WATER!

These people must suffer and be made examples of so this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN. The cries of justice have reached a crescendo. (Accompanied by photos of McCain, Obama, Biden, the Clintons, and Pelosi)  Reply: The pain needs to be excruciating.
Remember, this always happens when bad news about (((Them))) is about to break (Accompanied by a picture and headline from Santa Fe shooting). Replies: Whenever the Dems ...are in trouble, there suddenly appears to be a  mass shooting event. 
The pattern is becoming quite obvious, wake up people.

 And when Donald Trump (intentionally or not) does something that jibes with their completely twisted beliefs, these people take it as a sign that Trump is on their vile side. For example, I guess Catholics are bad news--the Pope is pictured smiling and talking with Obama, and then Merkel, while the Pope is standing stone-faced next to Trump, drawing praise from these scary people that Trump is not friendly with the Catholics.
I'm all for freedom of speech (obviously, since I tweet and write a blog), but this is scary, hate-filled speech--not the garden variety, such as "Trump is a moron," or "Hillary belongs in jail." These are words that promote the most vile, terrifying thoughts of confused and deranged people--even suggesting violence--and make it seem, for some, I'd imagine, normal.
So, maybe I'm the last one to realize there are really people out there like this. Or maybe I just can't believe it. 
I thought Trump's tweets and conspiracy theories were scary.
In comparison, though, Trump's tweets are chillingly tame.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

When is a Republican not a Republican?

Wisconsin's sole GOP wunderkind (now that Reince Priebus and Paul Ryan have been put out to pasture) is Governor Scott Walker. Although his star does not shine nearly as bright as it did seven years ago when he led the surprise attack on public workers by stripping their negotiated benefits and eviscerating their unions by engineering legislation known as Act 10, Walker's little light still flickers as he attempts to garner re-election in the face of the GOP/Trump fiasco.

Obviously, he's figured out that the best way to do so is to embrace more humanitarian measures--ones actually proposed or backed by Wisconsin Democrats.

That doesn't mean he believes in them, it only means he believes that doing so will get him his coveted re-election.

In doing so, he's proposed such humanitarian things as putting money back into Wisconsin education (albeit after record-setting cuts through his tenure and dilution of public money now going to private schools), and addressing (finally) severe problems at juvenile detention facilities around the state (after originally creating more problems by consolidating them in an earlier budget).

Oh, yeah, he's also introduced what economists have called "a mystifying piece of tax policy that has no clear long-term economic purpose." As the Washington Post recounts, many merely call it an election year bribe. Which is not to be confused with the bribe of gutting Wisconsin environmental considerations to get potentially thousands of jobs with Foxconn.

And, perhaps most damning of all, Walker has gone from disdain for Trump to acceptance and now love for the ethically-challenged and morally-corrupt President of the United States. And why not? Trump has helped champion some of the non-humanitarian policies that Walker truly embraces (think NRA, anti-immigration, anti-union, anti-public education, anti-environment, over-the-top-pro-business, etc).

So a vote for Walker is a vote for humanitarian causes. 

Well, until he gets re-elected and starts governing again like he really believes.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

New Entry from the None-yun

The None-yun ...some say it's amusing, some say it's insightful, and some say "That's two minutes of my life I'll never have back..."

No Place for False Allegations
(um, click on the above heading)

Trump calls out those making false allegations in office

The House GOP picks some cherries

To celebrate the DC Mall cherry-blossoms, it appears the House Intelligence Committee GOP has continued with its quest to cherry-pick findings for its Donald Trump/Russia investigation. In the recently released findings, they found--SPOILER ALERT--no collusion (or as Trump--the most proficient cherry-picker of them all--would say, NO COLLUSION!! NO COLLUSION!!  NO COLLUSION!!). The full story here.

The most important phrase of the report: ...the GOP committee members found that "none of the interviewed witnesses provided evidence of collusion, coordination, or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government."

Um, that's not exactly definitive that nothing happened, is it?

I mean, one morning, my newspaper was missing from the driveway. I asked my wife if she had retrieved it earlier. I asked my neighbors if they saw anyone take it.  I asked the paper carrier if she neglected to deliver it. and "NONE OF THE INTERVIEWED WITNESSES PROVIDED EVIDENCE" as to what happened to my paper. But, still, something really had happened to my paper, right?

I just didn't ask the right people, didn't ask the right questions, or maybe, heaven forbid, somebody lied? (Note: I have since cleared my wife)

BUT STILL SOMETHING HAPPENED, RIGHT?!!! (Sorry for shouting--I've been reading too many tweets from Washington).

And even this staunchly let-the-President-say-or-do-anything (as long as he passes our agenda) committee didn't say everything was squeaky clean.

Far from it.

It called the Trump Tower campaign meeting with a Kremlin-representative to receive dirt on a political foe as "poor judgment," and it also "found the Trump campaign's periodic praise for the communications with WikiLeaks--a hostile foreign organization--to be highly objectionable and inconsistent with U.S. national security interests."

(Wow. Kind of makes Comey's "extremely careless" remark about Clinton's handling of emails seem pretty tame, huh?)

So, yeah, it's not over. The GOP has cherry-picked the people and the questions they asked. And now they've cherry-picked their findings.

Fortunately for our country (and not so much for Trump and the rubber-stamp GOP), Mueller's investigation is waiting until the cherries are ripe.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

The Difference

When GOP favorites are in the crosshairs of criminal investigation, they cry, "WITCH HUNT!" and create unbelievable conspiracy theories to defend their own.

Now that the Inspector General has referred former Acting FBI Head Andrew McCabe (who, although a registered Republican and the man Trump considered naming to head up the FBI, has become a pariah for conservatives and a pseudo-hero for progressives) for criminal investigation, the Dems, unless I missed it, haven't been tweeting, complaining, opining 24/7 on news outlets, that this is a "witch hunt."

Although, yes, there may be some political motivation, most progressives (including me), seem to be thinking, "Let this run its course. If there is criminal intent or action, let justice be served."

gif from

So when you sit back and take a look at how both sides deal with situations and threats to our democracy, who would you really rather have running the country?