With the midterms coming this Tuesday, I have one of the easiest posts I've written in a long time.
Wisconsinites should cast their votes for U.S. Senate incumbent Tammy Baldwin and Governor candidate State Supt. of Education Tony Evers.
The Baldwin choice is a no-brainer.
Baldwin for Senate is the much better choice |
Her opponent, WI State State Senator Leah Vukmir, is cut wholly from the cloth of her
ALEC overlords, a group she chaired, which pushes private business interests--everything from moving public dollars to private schools, to promoting restrictive voter ID laws, to protecting private insurance interests from having to cover things such as pre-existing conditions--above all else.
In short, ALEC opposes everything that works toward a more compassionate and grander society.
And she isn't even honest about her well-chronicled intentions (
Politifact includes only one lone Vukmir statement that tops "Half-True").
A constantly-run Vukmir ad touts her desire that she would rather "fall in front of a truck" instead of touching pre-existing conditions, despite supporting plans that would likely put many of those with pre-existing conditions at high risk of losing their coverage.
Vukmir says the elderly will
actually be thrown off a cliff.
Side note (which I think is incredible fearmongering, but also kind of hilarious, as well): Vukmir's ad also says that Baldwin's plan of "Medicare-for-all" would remove protections for seniors (actually, it would replace current Medicare coverage with
more such protections) and "
literally throws Granny off the cliff!" Literally? Somehow I don't really think that if Medicare-for-all ever passes, that squads will be dispatched to round up senior citizens and hurl them off cliffs. But we'll just have to wait and see, I guess...
And Vukmir is a big supporter of Donald Trump. She overlooks his numerous personal and political flaws as long as the agenda is passed. On the day the pipe bomber targeted Trump's named enemies including Hillary Clinton--the day Trump "pleaded" for civility--she smiled and laughed at the Mosinee, WI, Trump rally when the minions were chanting about Clinton, "Lock her up."
And those will spell Vukmir's epitaph: ALEC, lies, and cozying-up to Trump.
We have enough representatives like that already.
Speaking of which, the WI Governor's race is more the same. I've not been an ardent
Evers supporter (although I do think he's done a good job as state education supt.), but I simply can't abide Walker. To be honest, I think Act 10 was a short-sighted mistake (and has affected the
teaching profession and my personal life tremendously). Walker, in a
desperate mode, has now touted education increases (despite his defunding of public education for many years), his new plan to improve juvenile detention facility horrors (despite the fact it was his plan to consolidate and, consequently, increase such atrocities), and his support for continuing coverage of pre-existing conditions (contrary to his direction to his Attorney General to sue the federal government to help eliminate them)--not to mention his gutting environmental regulations, etc., to appease his corporate friends.
Tony Evers |
Walker's new-found (and incredibly transparent)
humanitarian streak should only be believed until he is elected, when he will turn again into the person he truly is, and cater to the people he truly represents.
Oh, yeah, and Walker is also one of the national GOP figures to not decry any of Trump's severe political and moral shortcomings because Walker's agenda, too, is getting passed.
So, Baldwin and Evers.
It's time to make sure honesty and civility--and compassion and caring--are back in this wonderful state's political offices.